Far From Home

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(Chase's P.O.V.)
Me and Tom were getting ready to go to the premier for Spiderman: Far From Home. I was in front of the mirror, trying to get my tie good. "I hate this" I said fumbling with the stupid thing. Tom heard my frustrated grunts and walked up to me and turning me around to face him. "You get frustrated so easily" he chuckled fixing my tie. "Says the guy who didnt know how to do up a tie in Homecoming" I said with my eyebrow raised. He rolled his eyes. He continued to fix the tie. He finished stepped back to admire his work and kissed me before turning on his heels. I sighed a happy sigh, yes I am day dreaming on the spot. "You coming?" He called out. I snapped out of it and followed my boyfriend out the room. We walked to the car that was parked outside. I stopped seeing the car. "Really? A spiderman theamed car?" I said clocksizing my head. He turned around to look at me. "You did the same with your solo movie" he said with a sly smirk. I opened my mouth to speak but stopped and tapped my foot on the cement. "Whatever" I said and hopped in the car.

Soon we arrived at the premier. Tom was the first to get out the car. Even before I was even close to getting out the car, I was blinded because of the flashes of multiply camera's. I ignored it and got out the car. I waved as I stood behind Tom. Soon he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I was waiting for Tom to finish some interviews. Jake gyllenhaal walked up to me, great guy he is. He opened his arms and we did a bro hugg. We talked as we waited for Tom. "Yes yes. It's an all love. We are in love, me and Gyll will get married. Where is he? Where's my husband" Tom said looking around for Jake. He saw us and waved. "You cheater" I yelled at him. "Oh shoot, Chase caught me" Tom said. Jake pushed me towards Tom. "Its all fun and games" I say, "he loves me the most. Dont you" I said looking at Tom. He nodded. Jake walked towards us. "No Jake. Piss off. He's mine" I said hugging Tom. "He's my husband. Go find your own" I said  making the interviewer and the both guys laugh. "No. Come here" I said waving him over. I wrapped one arm over Jake's shoulder and one over Tom's shoulder. "No we are all friends. I don't mind the fans making this romance up. Its rather cute" I said looking at both guys. Before walking away. "Continue love birds" I said walking away. "Love you" Tom called out. "Love you more" Jake yelled after me. It made me laugh at their sillyness. "If you don't pop the question soon. I'll make you" Jake yelled, "why can't Tom do it?" I asked back. "Because reasons" he replied.

Just a random small chapter.

Published: 6 July 2019

Quote: you are so much more than your past -Jake Gyllenhaal

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