it's not fair

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(Roberts P.O.V.)
I woke up and ate breakfast while driving towards the hospital. So I had another break from the hospital for 3 days. I love that the cast does this for me and the family. Tom Hiddleston had watched Chase and took in the stuff from the doctors and nurses.

I arrived and thanked Tom. We talked a bit about what had happened. Suddenly I felt a weird feeling. I realised that the beeping from the heart-monitor had gone crazy. Tom's eyes went big and I turned around. I saw Chase's body shaking. "No no no..." I said getting tears in my eyes. I quickly was next to him. But what was I going to do. I'm not a doctor. A doctor and two nurses ran in. I was pushed back to Tom. "Wha-whats happening" I asked. Them clearly ignoring me. I was pushed out the room with Tom. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Susan. She probably could here the panic in my voice.

(2 hours later)
Me and Susan got called back in the room. Tom waited outside. We walked in the room.

(Tom Hiddleston P.O.V.)
Soon enough more of the cast came in the waiting room. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?" I asked. Soon Robert and Susan walked outside. We all looked at them. Waiting for them. Fear spreading across my body. Robert mumbled something. His eyes full of tears. "Its over- its- its over" He said. I looked at the rest, confused. "Over?" Evans asked. "Doctors said its not helping" he started. And I'm 100% sure that what he said next. Broke everyone down.

"We have to pull the plug".

Some of us sat down. Shocked at what he just said. Some mumbled words. Others just started to cry. But Tom Holland he took the biggest toll. He fell down to his knees and cried his eyes out. At this Robert walked over to him and pulled him up. Tom was not only sad but angry. "No dont touch me!" He yelled at Robert pushing him away. Robert was shocked at this, I can say all of us where. I could see a hint of sorry in his eyes. He didnt mean to do the thing he did. "Why arent you letting him fight. He cam survive just like everything else" he screamed with tears in his eyes. "We wanted to but that would not be fair against him" Susan said in a calm voice. "What do u mean?" he asked.

(Tom Hollands P.O.V.)
Susan grabbed my hand and took me to a chair and we sat down. "Tom. He's in pain, alot of pain" she calmfully said with tears streaming down her face. "Even with pain killers he is in pain. His body is done fighting and it would not be fair if we keep him alive. He'll die in pain" she said. I looked at her and nodded. She pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and cried into her shoulder. "I'm going to loose my brother" I whispered closing my eyes thight.

Third time's a lucky charm. (Adopted By RDJ + LoveStory)Where stories live. Discover now