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(Chase's P.O.V.)
For an early fathersday present, Tom had succesfully managed to have a weekend at Monaco and watch the race. Me and Tom had packed our baggs. And soon we where ready to leave. Eventually we all succesfully got in the car. It was a bit of a hassle. I was tasked with the kids and the dogs and Tom with the baggs. But when I got the dogs in and was about to get the kids in. The dogs had run out the car. And when I finally got the kids in the and went back to get the dog back in the car. Once I finally had the dogs and went on my way back, I saw that the kids had taken their seatbelts of to so called help me with Marvel and Tess. I stood there with a 'you serious? I got up at 5 in the morning for this?'. While the kids ran in circles around me and yelling their lungs out and the dogs where joining them with loud barks. I saw Tom with a cheeky grin on his face and then gave me a thumbs up.

Finally after 10 minutes I succesfully, without Tom's help, got the kids and the dogs in the car

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Finally after 10 minutes I succesfully, without Tom's help, got the kids and the dogs in the car. We where on our way to go to dad's house. They would watch Marvel, Tessa, Parker, Tj and Emilia for us while me and Tom where in Monaco.

Me and Tom arrived at the airport and got our baggs checked and where now waiting in at the terminal. I was tired so I leaned my head on Tom's shoulder and closed my eyes.

(Tom's P.O.V.)
I looked up from my phone and saw Chase put his head on my shoulder to go to sleep. I chuckle a but and make a photo of us before continueing what I was doing. Letting Chase sleep. After all, he isn't an early bird and he also didn't get enough sleep. Cause the twins were both up through the night fussing about the heat. Eventually our class was called for boarding and we got on the plane to Monaco. The plane ride was boring apart from us watching some tv shows on the tv from the planeseats in front of us. As we departed the plane the two of us made our way to the luggage area.

We soon arrived at our hotel and I watched Chase immediatly flop down on the king size bed. "Im going to work out" I told him and he just replied with an okay that was muffled by the pillow and gave me a lazy thumbsup. I shook my head with a laugh and then made my way to the hotel's gym.

When I got back after my work out. I saw that Chase had put the tv on and was watching the training of the Formule 1. I plopped down next to him and we watched the training. "You hungry?" I asked him and he thought for a second before nodding. We both got ready to go out and have dinner.

(Chase's P.O.V.)
I fixed my collar in the mirror before walking out the bathroom. "Ready" I asked looking at Tom. He was laying on the couch and looked at me and thought for a second.

 He was laying on the couch and looked at me and thought for a second

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I raised an eyebrow making him chuckle. He got up and we went to dinner. "Goid evening, Gentlemen" the lady of the front of the house greeted us with a smile. Tom and I nodded a greeting back. "Table for two" Tom told her and she nodded in responce. We followed her to the outside of a lovely restaurant garden and she offered us a table. It had a beautifull view of the water. The two of us sat down. "Here is your menu" the front of house said handing us our menu's. "Your waiter will be right with you" she said and smiled before leaving us. "Good evening. My name is Lily and I'll be your waitress for the evening. Can I offer you something to drink?" She asked. I looked over at Tom telling him to order first. We made our drink order and we where left to make a food decision. I ordered the gnocci and Tom the Porchetta. We both enjoyed our dinner, eventhough we shared the dishes. I grabbed my phone and went to face-time dad. I turned the phone so it would show both me and Tom in the screen and I layed it against a bottle of wine that we had ordered. Dad picked up and I saw that Emilia was snuggled on his chest and I heard the boys play in the background. "Hey. Buds look who it is." Dad said calling the boys over. "Daddy! Papa!" All three of them yelles. "Hello" me and Tom said and waved our hands. "So how is Monaco" dad asked, "its beautifull" I replied andclooked around. I had never been here so it was really impressive to see it. "I think he's more excited for the race than the city" Tom said laughing. "You have never been a city boy, have you Chase" Dad said chuckling. I nodded and chuckled. "Give me the country side and Ill be in heaven but this is a nice place aswell" I replied. Our coversation continued untill we got offered dessert. After getting our desserts we all said our goodbye and hung uo the phone.

Dinner finished and me and Tom jusr walked around the city in peace for about 3o minutes untill we made our way back to the hotel.

Published: 10th of June 2021

And here I was thinking I would never come back to this book. But because of your votes it kept on popping back into my notifications and a chapter popped into my head. And honestly, I love you for it. Cause boy, did I miss family Holland-Downey.

Btw the book is almost 3 years so whooh!

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