"clothes. off. now."

taehyung went limp beneath jeongguk as the younger began to pull at the hem of taehyung's shirt. a swift pull up -along with some awkward maneuvering on taehyung's side- and the evil piece of fabric was thrown to the other side of the room.

jeongguk took his time, slowly nipping at taehyung's collar bone, soon grazing taehyung's nipples with his tongue. taehyung mewled at the action, his normally baritone voice pitching high in his throat. he felt jeongguk smirk around his left nipple, his teeth biting gently and tugging on the bud. taehyung cried out, back arching upwards into jeongguk's hold.

"please, please, please" taehyung wasn't completely sure what he was begging for, but it seemed as though that was all jeongguk needed to hear before maneuvering further down taehyung's torso. 

jeongguk's kisses were sloppy, his tongue tracing every mole and mislabeled 'imperfection' as he made his way down. soon he stopped rigid in his tracks before looking up into taehyung's shiny eyes. it took taehyung a few moments before he had realized where jeongguk had exactly positioned himself and the meaning behind jeongguk's questioning eyes.

taehyung's jeans.

taehyung nodded, watching as jeongguk licked his bottom lip tentatively while looking down at the tent in taehyung's pants. digging his teeth into his lip now, jeongguk cupped taehyung's cock through the fabric, taehyung throwing his head back at the sensation. jeongguk's hands were large and warm against him, sending pleasure dancing up his spine and making his head go dizzy. jeongguk began stroking him, his fingers squeezing just the slightest on every upstroke. taehyung's arms went weak, his back soon coming into contact with the soft mattress below him.

 a shivering mess now, taehyung began to mewl as jeongguk began mouthing at him through the tight denim, before slowly undoing the zipper with his teeth. his muscular hands eagerly ripping off the denim off of the plump, tan thighs before him.

jeongguk has dreamed about this moment for oh so long.

. . . .

"are you sure that you want to here the next part? you are kind of young..." the elderly man snickered, watching the boy fidget in the ugly pink cushioned chair across from him. the funeral home was packed, people dressed in black talking and grieving among themselves. a woman wailed in the background, on her knees in front of an open casket, a portrait of an old man presented near it to show who it belonged to.

the young boy rolled his eyes. "first of all," he began, pointedly looking towards him. "i'm twenty three years old. secondly, if you could tell me in detail how taehyung sucked other people off, then i'm pretty sure jeongguk sticking his dick up his ass is barely any much worse."

"okay then, if you insist. where was i, again?"

"jeongguk just ripped of taehyung's pants."

"oh, right..."

. . . .

taehyung's flush cock his his abdomen with a soft smack!, taehyung soon desperately bringing his knees up in an attempt to cover himself. even though jeongguk had touched him before in the locker room shower, he still wasn't used to feeling so vulnerable. after all, here he was completely nude while jeongguk was looking up at him with hungry eyes, not a single garment of clothing missing from his body.

jeongguk, with gentle hands, moved taehyung's legs back down onto his bed. "it's okay, baby. let me see you. i want to see you." the elder boy begrudgingly obliged, watching jeongguk's eyes trace his body up and down.

"i know..." he cleared his throat, his voice scratchy and hoarse. "i know that this probably seems cliche, but... you are so beautiful, taehyung." 

bj boy // taeggukOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz