3.8 "Tell Me It Was Them Or You"

Start from the beginning

He looked at me "yeah?"

I shook my head "I don't wanna lose you ever again"

Dean asked confused "what are you talking about? I' m right here"

Me "I don't ever want to break up with you. I don't wanna lose you. You and I have been through enough pain and heartbreak. You've hurt me and I hurt you back, we're done. I just want this to work, for once, I wanna be with you for longer than just a few months. "

Dean smirked "what? you want us to hit a year before the problems start?"

I nodded "Yes"

Dean leaned in smirking "so you want to be with me but only for a year?"

I smirked and put a hand on his cheek "problem?"

He shook his head "no"

I smiled "good"

Then I kissed him and he kissed me back.

I pushed back a little "I love you, Dean Winchester"

Dean "and I love you, Elena, and now give me a kiss"

I smiled and kissed him. 

he kissed me back and pulled me on top of him so i was straddling him. 

I took his shirt off and he started kissing my neck. I sighed out in pleasure. 

Dean took  my shirt off and kissed me harder. His hands wandered to my back into my pants and rested on my ass. 

I smiled.

And out of nowhere a phone started to ring. 

Dean let out an annoyed sigh and dropped his head in my neck. 

I giggled amused "oh god. There's only two guys i know who have got the worst timing ever. And one of them is down the hall"

Dean groaned annoyed and took his phone out. 

He answered annoyed "It better be a life or death thing, Cass, or you and i are gonna have a serious problem"

Then he nodded, annoyed "we're on our way"

He hung up and looked at me pissed off. 

I giggled "cock blocked by an angel, who would've thought that?"

He rolled his eyes.

At Sharkeye's. Morning. 

Dean "this is why you call us? This is your emergency?"

Cass "yes"

Dean "no. Cass, an emergency is a dead body, okay? or a wigged out angel...or the Apocalypse, take three. Some chick bolting no you is not an emergency.That's every Friday night for Sam"

Sam "dude"

Dean shrugged "i can't believe that you cock-blocked me for this"

I Rolled my eyes. 

Cass asked confused "i don't think i understand the term "cock-block"."

I shook my head "doesn't matter, Cass, really, forget about it"

Cass "okay. but this isn't just "Some chick."I 'm responsible for her"

Dean asked confused "since when? you met her once, how many years ago?"

Me "what happens if we find Claire? If she really wanted to stay with you then she wouldn't have ran away"

Cass nodded "i understand. But i need to know that she's safe. And i need your help"

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