Chapter I

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It was a beautiful night in downtown Miami, Florida. It was the end of summer, so the weather was still hot, but just tolerable with the light breeze coming by. The sky was clear and the moon was high. The stars glittered in the sky. Ludwig was being pulled along by his Marine buddies, being taken hostage to go to a strip club. He was uncomfortable with the idea, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. Thus, he ended up sat at a table with three other guys who whooped and hollered at the women who were dancing or putting on a performance. He had a beer he was slowly drinking when one dancer in particular caught his eye. Even in the dim lighting he could see her red hair shimmer like fire. She took to a pole and began a sensual dance, slowly removing clothes until she was in a lace bra and latex boy-shorts panties. She took note of Ludwig and noticed he appeared a bit flustered. He was new to this environment, and that amused her. She thought he was quite attractive, and his innocence provided an adorable feature to the otherwise intimidating man. 

Keeping her eyes on him, she slowly removed her bra, receiving more cheers. Her perky pink nipples were covered by black X's. She tossed her bra to Ludwig who seemed surprised and shocked. He didn't know what to do with the warm garment and awkwardly held onto it. She continued her dance, making eye contact with him specifically. When she was done, she disappeared backstage. Ludwig would be lying if he said he wasn't mildly disappointed she was out of his sight. There was something about her, something that stirred up his lower region, which was an odd feeling for him. See, Ludwig was a virgin, never taken to the sheets or felt the desire to. He could have, anytime he wanted. Girls dug the dangerous bad boy look he had. Though he wasn't interested in them. 

Within 20 minutes, the spunky redhead was suddenly in front of him. She sat next to him, his buddies whistling as they got up for more drinks and to give them privacy. She smiled kindly at him, biting her lip "Hello handsome" she became mesmerized in his brown eyes as he looked at her. She felt she was being devoured by them. Their warm, honey color gave her a sense of safety. She could stare at them all night and day. 

Luwig gulped lightly, looking down into emerald green eyes. They were the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen. He bit his lip before speaking slowly, "Hello.. How are you?"His German accent, while strong, had faded just enough to be able to understand him a little easier in anything he said. He awkwardly gave his greeting back. He wasn't social, he didn't know how to interact with many people, let alone a woman leaning over close to him. He quickly gazed over her, surprised to see she was now wearing a tank top, minus a bra, and some denim shorts. She had a bag slung over her shoulder.

"I'm wonderful, doll. Now, I believe you have something that belongs to me" she suggested with a smirk coming to pouty red lips. His eyes widened as he stumbled over his words, unsure how to hold the bra as he first grabbed the cup before the center between, until finally deciding on a strap to hold up to her. "I-I-Uh I'm sorry!". The woman merely giggled and gently took it "Handsome, why are you apologizing when I'm the one that threw it to you?" She smiled and lifted a hand, placing it on his shoulder gently with a reassuring squeeze "You've never been to a strip club before, have you?"

To that, Ludwig quickly shook his head no. His cheeks were tinted pink, but with the lighting no one would be able to see, lucky him. She smiled and leaned away, sliding her bra up beneath her shirt and clasping it. The only extra skin that showed was her stomach. She managed to stay covered otherwise. Ludwig's whole face was red now, and no amount of lighting could hide it. She giggled, looking up to him "Why so red, darling?" She teased gently as he rubbed his neck. 

She smiled gently and leaned over to whisper in his ear "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Her lips just barely brushed his ear as she spoke. He spoke low "Only a little, because as you figured out, this is new to me" he spoke with honesty. She admired that. She pulled back and smiled at him "I can stop and leave, doll. I don't want to ruin your night." She offered gently to which he a little too early spoke his refusal of her leaving. Her eyes widened slightly before she let out a laugh. Ludwig thought it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. 

The woman held her hand out "How about I start by introducing myself, instead. My name is Lee." Women of the industry didn't give their full or real names in first meet. Ludwig looked at her hand and gently kissed the back of it. "Ludwig, it's a pleasure to meet you." He looked to her with a small smile. She murmured his name a few times before grinning at him. "Ludwig, I assure you the pleasure is all mine." She bit her lip, still smiling. Her pale skin reflected the lights easily, masking that she did have a faint blush to her cheeks. Flirting always made her flushed. 

Ludwig let out a low chuckle and Lee had to clench her thighs together. She set a hand on his thigh and leaned over to his ear again, squeezing his thigh gently as she let out a sultry whisper "Ludwig, would you like to get out of here?" To that, he nodded his head. She grinned and stood, holding a hand out to him. He got up and gently took it. He wanted nothing more than to get out of that stuffy club. His buddies hollered at him "Yeah, get some Virginia!" He was confused. Now, with Ludwig not participating in coital acts, some jokes went over his head. "Get some what?" He looked to Lee who just giggled and lead him outside.

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