After a couple hours and many drops of sweat later, the engine was put back together.  They both stood, smiling down at the artwork of metal they recreated together.  Haven felt some sort of accomplishment while Darin felt utter happiness that he was the one that Haven was spending most of her time with. 

          He took in a little bit of happiness that he was spending time with someone by his own choice.  He hadn't actually done that in a long time and he wasn't dreading or regretting it in the slightest.  They headed into the house not long after admiring their work and Haven hopped up on the kitchen counter. 

          "What do you do in your spare time?"  He asked. 

          "I already told you; I box and skate," she said as she shrugged, reminding him.  

          Scrunching up his nose, he groaned at her.  She chuckled a little and shook her head, "Okay, fine.  I draw, paint, write, read . . .   Umm, let's see . . . "

          She hadn't realized that she didn't have much of a life until she starting thinking about what she did for fun, but eventually, she spoke up, again, "I like photography and mudding.  They don't really go together, though." 

          "Ehh, just find a mud proof camera," he joked. 

          "Funny," she said, wagging her finger in his face.  He sighed, grabbing out two dragon-fruit SoBe life waters and handing her one.  She opened it and delicately placed it against her lips, chugging all of the refreshing, cool liquid down. 

          "What?"  She said as she looked over at him.  

          "You just drank that whole bottle," he stated bluntly, slightly in awe.

          "I used to be a drinker," she admitted.  "I'm from Wisconsin, Darin!  Don't look at me like you're surprised!" 

          "I'm not surprised that you used to drink," he chuckled.  She rolled her eyes at him before silence fell between them, again.

          Then Darin broke the quiet with small, teasing her with his words, "So, Wisconsin, hey?" 

          "Yes, Wisconsin . . .   I'm from a very nice, very little town called Delta," she blushed sheepishly.  "We moved around a lot after I turned five.  I've lived in Florida, Nebraska, Virginia and South Carolina.  It wasn't long after the move from Virginia that my father figured out he wanted to move to Vermont. Long story short, here I am." 

          "Here you are . . . "  He said and he smiled.  Before the room could grow quiet, again, he asked another question, "What music do you listen to?" 

          "What is this?"  She asked with a laugh so he would know she was joking, "An interrogation or twenty questions?" 

          "Twenty questions, but I like to go past twenty," he winked and took a drink of his water.  "Okay, if this is twenty questions and I already asked mine, it's your turn.  No restrictions; shoot." 

          "Virgin?"  She asked and he chuckled. 

          "Oh god, I should've known," he said and she smirked wickedly.  "No, actually.  I'm not a virgin.  I lost it around thirteen, to be honest.  I was at a party, started drinking and she didn't have a shirt on when I saw her.  It just went from there." 

          "What a stud," she said and smirked. 

          "What about you, Miss Innocent?" 

          "What?  Am I a virgin?"  She asked and he nodded, watching her face to make sure she wasn't lying, "Actually, yes.  I got close once, though.  We had been dating for a couple months.  He invited me over and we started making out; it escalated and just as he started taking my pants off, he got a text.  I snatched his phone and read it." 

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