Joy Doctor x Reader

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You hissed as your boyfriend bandaged up your hand. "I told you to be careful, y/n..." He lightly scolded. "How on earth did you cut your hand anyhow?" He asked in curiousity. "I was picking flowers and accidentally found a thorn bush..." You said with a nervous smile. "You know it's not safe over there right?" He crossed his arms. "I wanted to make you a bouquet though!" He picked you off the exam table and kissed you softly. You were both in the health institution. It was where he had most of his medical supplies anyhow.

He walked with you to your home. Your boyfriend lived with you, so you were going to try and cuddle him. "Are you gonna stay with me once we get home?" You asked with a head tilt. You were holding his hand as you both walked. "I know you'll smother me again so yes I'm staying." He said with a chuckle. You squealed in excitement as you both walked through the parade. "I'm so fucking excited!!" You gushed loudly and he smiled.

You both got home and you dragged him to bed. You both snuggled up together. He pulled his coat and shoes off beforehand. You smiled and buried your face into his chest. He was very warm and his smell was comforting. "I love you, y/n. I just wish youd be safer." He cooed at you and you kissed him passionately. "And i love youuuu even more!" You smiled at him.

(251 words)

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