Soldier Fluff Floof

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Because i now have named 2 soldiers, THEY GON BE USED HERE XD I gotta make them ocs jesus fuck. Enjoy!

George and Franklin were absolute sweethearts. They were also secretly in love. And they loved you too! It was a big love fest!! You 3 were cuddling in bed. All happy as could be.

They were very very loving. Kissing you allll over your face, hands and neck. They both hugged you at once and you gushed. "You know. We don't have many people as kind as you." Frank smiled. "Your both sweethearts though!" You swooned. George blushed. "Pffft. Y/n. YOU are the real sweetheart! You make us all so happy here! Especially Franklin and I!" George said while nuzzling you. "Your both my big strong soldiers! And i love you both!!" You pulled them in a big hug.

They were lonely. They had each other but didn't always do drills together. Plus not always having the chance to snuggle the fuck up. You were everything to them. Not only a best friend, but a lover. They smiled and kept smothering you in kisses. They were extremely kind and absolute gentleman. They were soft with you. They weren't brutes like some assumed. They were absolute darlings. Who were in the military. They actually strived to protect you one day even! You teared up and kissed them both on the cheeks. "My sweer soldiers..." You were met with a group hug from the two snd were smiling ear to ear. Not even from the mask. They were such wonderful men.

(So i made this more wholesome then i originally planned xD I needed to do some pureness I'm sorry ;3;)

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