Verloc x Reader, hair troubles.

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He screamed. He was in the bolted in and saw his hair. It wasnt floofy. It looked longer actually. Yes he uses hair gel to get his hair how it is.

He was freaking out. He noticed you. " Can you please buy me more?" He pleaded, grabbing your shoulders. You snickered. "Only if you join me!" You said playfully. He whimpered. "I'll pay annndd ill make my homemade cookies after!" You bribed. He pouted more then hugged you. "Fine..." He kissed you passionately. "But YOU hold MY hand!" He said happily. He put a hat over his defloofed hair. "Nobody needs to see this..." He mumbled. You chuckled and you both left. Holding hands of course. Youd informed the bobbies before you left.

People were kind. You just said hello as did verloc. A bobby approached you. "Y/n, dr verloc! What a nice surprise." You smiled. "Hello constable! We're doing some shopping." You said happily. You were excited to be holding vers hand especially. He smiled. "You two make a cute couple. Well. Must be off! Let me know if you need me!" Constable Turner said then ran off. There was a whistle...downers...

You were now in the shop. "Oh hello! Didn't think id see you again." The chemist chuckled. "Well you see, i need more hair tonic." Verloc said. Gripping your hand tighter. You were gushing. Even the red bobby was smiling more at the sight. "Lucky for you, I've got one last bottle! We'll have a new shipment in next week." He said while pulling the bottle out. You went to pay and the owner smiled. You both left. He was gushing over you and how you actually paid. He kissed you passionately and you kissed back. "Oh,y/n! I love you!!!" He practically sxrsamed it from happiness. He hugged you close and actually picked you up. Thankfully the borrle was in a padded box in a bag.

He csrried you bridal style the full way home. "Oh y/n. I'm so happy we got to go out." He cooed. You kissed him while holding the bag. Then took off the hat. He blushed and whined. You put it on your own head and kissed him. "My Ver Ver."

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