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"Guys what do we do?" Jungkook panicked
"Call an ambulance!" Was Hoseok's first instinct
"No! We can't! They'll know who he is and send us back!" Jin protested
"But we have to help him!" Yoongi was beginning to panic as he pulled on his hair.
"He's gonna die if we don't get him professional help" Jungkook tried to fight for his best friend as he went to run and borrow the motel phone, but he was grabbed by Namjoon.

"Kook, we can't call anyone" Namjoon told him calmly.
"Why can't we?!" Jungkook exploded
"You want him to die?"
"That's not what I'm saying" Namjoon spoke
"He's my best friend! I can't leave him!" Jungkook spoke as he began to get emotional
"I've only just got him back I can't lose him"
"We're not going to lose him-"
"We will if we don't do something!" Yoongi joined in as suddenly the five of them had exploded into a massive debate, three of them wanting to call an ambulance whilst the other two worried if they did he'd be taken back.

Ailee sat right next to Taehyung, tears falling from her eyes as she was begging her brother to wake up, ignoring the five boys who were arguing about what to do behind her.

"Please wake up Tae" She begged, crying her heart out as she moved some of the hair from his face.
"I don't wanna lose the only brother I have, especially when I just found you" She spoke through her sobs, catching the attention of someone else who was present.
"Tae you're strong and we need you, please wake up" She began to grow more and more anxious by the second.
"Tae please" She cried into his chest, suddenly feeling a presence at the other side of her.
"Is he okay?" She heard a voice, but she didn't look up as she shook her head, crying to hard to notice this person sit on the other side of her brother.

"E-excuse me?" The stranger spoke to Taehyung, lighting shaking him with a gentle touch.
"Excuse me? Can you hear me?" They spoke politely and quite shyly.

Taehyung was unconscious, but he felt something. He felt a shaking and he heard a blurred voice that was becoming more clear, the more he heard it. There was a weird feeling in his gut and heart that could not be described, but for some reason it was pulling him out of his unconscious state as he groaned in his sleep, Ailee sitting up off his chest.

"Tae?!" She gasped before she looked and made eye contact with the person who had somehow managed to wake him up, only to freeze.

Her eyes went wide as her mouth dried up. She tried blinking to see if she was imagining things but she wasn't and that was scaring her even more.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, feeling a massive pain in his head as the sun shone directly into his eyes, causing him to groan as he covered them.
"Hey take it easy, you've hit your head" The same voice who woke him up spoke and now he was awake it sounded a lot more familiar.
"It's okay, your friends are here" the voice spoke and for some reason, the voice seemed far too familiar as Taehyung bolted upright, surprising the person.

He looked across at him and he shut down.

He couldn't help but stare blankly as his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open, unknowing of what to say. He had a million thoughts running through his head yet not one of them he could catch to actually say or think about.

The silence and shocked look was enough to catch the others attention who looked at this person, only for them to gasp at what they saw.

The person glanced around at them all, suddenly wearing a look of worry and anxiety.

"Do I have something on my face?" They asked and he couldn't help it, but Taehyung burst into tears.

For some reason, there was this explosion from deep within his heart as it struck a deep pain but wash of relief all at once and after being so emotionless and empty for so long, he couldn't handle this feeling he'd not felt in a long time, the feeling hitting a chord that hadn't been played for a long time as the tears began rolling down his cheeks and a deep sob left his mouth.

"Are you okay?" The person panicked as they knelt down and rubbed Taehyung's back, only to be attacked with a hug as he was quite literally taken aback, nearly toppling onto his back as this person clinging to him hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, I think you're just in shock" They spoke, uncomfortably shifting to hug this injured person back.
"You can say that again" Yoongi was the first to speak out of all of them, catching the attention of this person who frowned in a confused way.
"What do you mean?" He asked and Taehyung pulled away as he now had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, replacing the wash of relief.

Taehyung tried to speak to him, his mouth trying to form words, but then he saw the look of confusion and fear in this near strangers eyes and he knew that his worst fear was true.

"No..." Taehyung finally managed to breathe out as he stared into his eyes and he tried to deny that this was real, this was some awful dream.
"Not you too"

Suddenly a horrible feeling dawned on all of them as they realised what had gone on here. But Taehyung stayed in denial as he shook his head.
"It's me! Taehyung!" He tried to tell him but the person shook his head.
"Sorry, I don't know a Taehyung" He told him in a calm and sweet tone that he had.

"No" Taehyung spoke in denial as he turned to his friends, also wearing the same faces of shock.
He went to try and jog his memory, but something caught his eye. It was how different this person looked and although it took him a second to figure out what it was, he managed to figure it out and when he did, it felt like his worst nightmare had come true.

The purple tint in his eyes had vanished as he now had dark chocolate eyes, the pointy ears nowhere to be seen and replaced with normal human ears. He'd even grown a tiny bit. He was still on the smaller side, but he must have grown one or two inches.

"Y-you really don't remember me?" Taehyung asked still in disbelief
"No, but I'm very grateful that you just saved me, thank you" The person told him with a sweet smile and it broke Taehyung. It was the exact same smile yet it felt like it was from a whole new person.

He cried hard.

He couldn't stop the tears as he cried and cried, Ailee cuddling her brother as the other five stood frozen in place from the shock and horror and disbelief and heartbreak.

Jin was the first to move as he knelt next to his former best friend, catching his attention, only for his own heart to start aching when he didn't see the familiar purple tint.
"I'm so sorry about this" He apologised
"No it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going and he-he saved me" Jimin gestured to Taehyung who was still crying like his heart had been ripped out and stamped on.

"Listen, we're gonna go and calm him down, he's probably in a bit of shock" Jin spoke as he moved across, helping Taehyung stand up.
"No problem, I'm staying here and it seems like you guys are so I'll come check on him later, if that's okay?" Jimin spoke and Jin nodded, slowly walking a heartbroken Taehyung away.

The witch had kept her promise to bring him back. But she brung him back like the others. No memory or recollection of the previous life
He didn't remember him.
He didn't remember the love they had and how special it was.

Jimin may not be dead, but the memories were.


I canny lie, I'm sobbing whilst uploading this because of how terrible I feel.

I've legit left you guys with no updates for so long and I'm so so sorry, I'm swamped by college work and revision and exams and auditions at the moment and it's left me no time to update for you guys and I just can't be more sorry than I am.

Thank you so much to everyone who still reads and supports these books! I love you all so much 💜

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