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A few lonely and boring days had gone by since they'd been staying at this remote motel in the middle of the highway.

Not much had happened and nobody knew what to do with themselves. They hung out everyday, talking and trying to figure out ways that could potentially send them back home, but it seemed like there were no options. They needed a miracle and it was nowhere to be seen at this moment.

"There has to be a way to get home" Hoseok sighed as they were all gathered in Namjoon and Jin's room, once again trying to discuss a plan. But nobody had any ideas.
"How? It's not like there's some sort of portal" Taehyung sighed, feeling the most defeated out of all of them.
"Maybe there is and it's hidden" Ailee suggested, trying to lighten his mood.
"No, she wouldn't put a portal in this world, she wants us to suffer permanently" Namjoon shook his head, referencing the witch as that just made them angry.

"I can't believe she did something like this!" Yoongi slammed his fist down on the desk in their room.
"She wanted revenge and she got it" Jungkook shrugged
"But why?"
"She was hurting from what happened to her. She must still be" Jin spoke as he too felt deflated, sharing a glance with Namjoon before he sat down on the bed.
"I hate to say it, but we might have to get used to-"

"Please don't say we have to get used to it" Hoseok begged
"There is no way we can stay here forever" Yoongi joined in
"What choice do we have?" Namjoon answered, taking Jin's side.
"We can look for choices, we can't give up"
Jungkook clearly joined the opposition.
"Guys arguing isn't going to-" Ailee attempted to calm everyone down, but it went ignored as they all began to erupt.

"We can't just give up!" Hoseok tried to encourage them.
"We have to fight back!"
"Against some all powerful witch who managed to change the whole world in order to trap us at the snap of a finger, I'll pass on that fight thanks" Jin spoke as they let his words soak in. It was true what he said. They were talking about picking a fight with some witch who managed to change their whole reality with a few simple words and a snap of her fingers. A fight with her could make things even worse.

"Would she even respond in this world?" Taehyung suddenly had a thought, everyone turning to him.
"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked
"Remember? You say her name and she comes? Would that work here?" He asked
"Tae, you're not doing that again" Yoongi spoke calmly
"Why not?" Taehyung frowned
"I hate to bring up the past but that is what got us here in the first place" He brought it up and Taehyung sighed standing up.

"I didn't mean it like-"
"No I'm not mad I'm just tired" Taehyung sighed as he headed for the door.
"Tae hold on-"
"No I'm done with this" Taehyung snapped
"I'm done trying to search for a miracle that isn't happening. I'm done trying to fight a losing battle against a know it all Witch. I'm done trying to get my old life back" He took a deep breath to calm down.
"I'm done trying to find Jimin"

"You can't give up on Jimin, he's-"
"He's still dead is what he is. That witch tricked me and we know she did" Taehyung tried to fight off his growing anger, but it was becoming near impossible.
"Tae.." Jin stood up as he came and stood in front of him, holding his shoulders.
"I know it seems like we'll never find him, but we can't give up hope" Jin tried talking to him, but it was virtually like talking to a brick wall.
"Jin, don't be like this. You're smart enough to know the truth" Taehyung sighed
"Jimin is dead and he's not coming back"

Taehyung grabbed the handle as he walked out of the door, off down the steps as he ignored the calls and shouts for him to stop.
"Tae! Where are you going?" Ailee shouted, his friends following him.
"I'm going for a walk to clear my head and no offence but I really don't need a parade following me" He told them sharply
"It's dangerous to go alone!" Jungkook protested
"What if they find you and take you back?!" Yoongi panicked.
"Then they can have me! I don't care anymore!" Taehyung snapped as he began to walk out to the main road, beginning to walk down the side of it.

A car was speeding down the road. It looked like it was going at a hundred miles per hour, as he went to move even further in to avoid it, but the world began to spin in slow motion as a sudden panic set in.
He saw someone on their phone, not looking where they were going as they had headphones in, unable to hear of the fast approaching car.

Every second that went by, they stepped into the road, the car getting closer and closer to colliding with them and they had no idea.

Something in Taehyung forced him to run, leaping into action as just as this car was about to collide with this person, he shoved them extremely hard, sending them flying across the road, out of the way of the car as he felt himself being thrown over the car bonet, flying through the air before he landed back on the ground again.

His head hit the floor, instantly making his head go light, his eyes heavy as he heard distant screams and shouts from what he assumed was his friends.

He couldn't keep his eyes open as he allowed them to close, but he could still hear for a few seconds heavy footsteps that stopped beside him.

"Tae?!" He heard Ailee scream in panic and he knew she was on the brink of tears.
"Don't touch him! He could be seriously injured!" Namjoon warned but that's when the voices became fuzzy and all he heard was a blur of sounds.

He tried clinging on, but he could feel his mind growing heavy as he allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness.


Well that escalated quickly...

Anyway I'm curious, who's your favourite and least favourite character out of this trilogy?
I wonder if I write some characters as quite annoying like do ya'll get vexed at Yoongi? Do ya'll absolutely loath Ailee? Or do ya'll love them? Please let me know!

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