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To my besties, Jewel, Ruby, Riana, Jasmin and Melanie:

You listened to the planning, you told me when a name was stupid, never got mad when I couldn't stop talking about how much I hated writing this story. Just overall unreasonably supportive throughout the whole process of my writing this. I wouldn't have gotten to this point without your support and constant help, so thanks :)

To the friend that I lost:

You were there for the start of this, and the vast majority. I doubt you would even be reading this, but if you are, thank you for that initial help. We began writing our original stories together, but we split before either of us began publishing. I wish you the best on all of your future works, and I also hope that you do end you publishing them.

To my fans:

Your comments in my other stories and this one too reassured me that my writing isn't nearly as bad as I thought it was, thanks guys :)

To anyone who has given me any form of support:

Forever in your debt, honestly.

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