Chapter Eight

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"Just take a deep breath, I can assure you that you're safe."

I had lost count of how many times Bryce had told me that. I really needed to get a grip, breaking down like this every time someone got killed wasn't going to help. I didn't even like Gilbert MacPherson, no one did! Perhaps it was just the sight of his dead body, plus the knowledge that we had made some progress without the suspect list. He couldn't have killed Gilbert since he was in the room without at the time of the murder.

"Talk to me about the suspects," Bryce muttered, "It will help you calm down, the police arrived not too long ago. Trust me, you're safe."

I shook my head, "That's not the problem, I feel safe, it's just-" I sighed, "Nevermind."

Bryce didn't comment, "Come on, tell me about the suspects."

I took a deep breath and scanned the list of names, It didn't matter that I had already memorised every name on this list.

"Well, there was Glenn Green. But it was pretty obvious that he isn't our guy. The next is a guy named Alfred Barry. He's one of the technical workers. Peter Franklin, Benjamin Bennet and Tim Blythe are three musicians. Their one of the few bands we have working here. And then George Michaels, Edith Johns and Henry Murphy are all agents. Edith is relatively new while George and Henry have been here since before I have. I have no idea why the agents and Alfred were in this room, but I guess that's just something we'll have to investigate." I explained, listing off the names.

Bryce hesitated, "Do you know any of them personally? Like acquaintance wise?"

I nodded, "Only Peter, Ben and Tim. We've done a few collaborations and we've also hung out together outside of work. Mostly it's just complaining about Mr MacPherson while watching them get drunk out of their minds," I laughed, smiling at the remembrance of old memories.

Bryce's face hardened, "So it's pretty safe to assure that they aren't our murderer?"

I shrugged, "Their cool people and I love being their friend. But they were in the room at the time so they have to be counted. But no, I don't think it was any of them. My best bet is probably Alfred, he's a shady guy who knows how to work lights, it's a weird coincidence."

Bryce's expressionless face remained the same, "Well, let's hope it's not them. Besides, threatening to kill you isn't really something a friend would do."

I silently agreed, but I couldn't rule them out.

I could faintly hear the police asking questions and the distressed answers they were being given. My heart had stopped pumping unmercifully and I was able to calm down. Bryce stared at me and sighed,

"You know, maybe you need to go on a holiday, or take a healthy, decent break." He suggested.

I shook my head, "I can't do that. Alice needs to be cared for and I have work. Besides, if I go anywhere my mind will still be plagued by this murder case. It will be worse since I won't be able to do anything! Trust me, I don't need a vacation." I said firmly, wondering where the idea had come from.

"Well maybe not a holiday, perhaps an extended lunch break? How about you and I go into town and find somewhere nice to eat lunch?" Bryce suggested again, this time more earnestly. "It could help clear your head, refocus your mind and then we can try and do another interview late this afternoon! Trust me, It will help."

I considered this, regardless of the fact that I really didn't want to. I didn't have enough bones in my body to count how many people have told me to take a break, and while I had never listened to any of them before, part of me wanted to say yes to Bryce's offer. I shoved the idea away.

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