Final Authors Note

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I just wrote a book.


I started this book in June and finished it only four/five months later in October. This honestly feels so crazy to me.

I hated writing this book. I don't even read mysteries nor have I ever had an interest in one. Yet I decided for my first original novel to be a murder mystery. This book wasn't perfect, but it's another step in my progress and improvement as a writer. Thank you to all the people who were on this journey with me, (a chapter dedicated to acknowledgments is next). This was insane, but I will never regret writing this book, no matter how bad it made me want to rip out my hair.


Short answer, no. I felt as if an epilogue should be for characters whose stories have finished, And in a sense, Bryce and Rosemary's story hasn't finished. While this part of their life is over, I finished the book with a promise of more. Bryce and Rosemary will still be going through something after this book that could be written about. So will there be a sequel? Also no. People chose this story to read a murder mystery, people don't want to read about the recovery process and the life and story after the whole thing has happened. Also, I fear it wouldn't be interesting enough.


An epilogue would have gone like this: It would have started at Alice's funeral, then cut to a few months later with a snippet of Bryce and Rosemary getting used to their life together and Bryce's recovery with his leg. Then Go to a few years later, WW2 has just begun and Rosemary is thinking back on this time that brought both her and Bryce together, what she lost and how it affected her and how the experience changed her as a person.


Yes, they do end up in a relationship. I see their future as they get together about a year or so after this whole thing happens, (after many many months of flirtation and trying to get the other to realise that they have feelings for them) Bryce proposes four and a half years later. They get married and I'm not really sure if they have kids, but if they do they would definitely have a little girl who's middle name is Alice. They could have more, they may have none at all. I'm not really sure.

I personally didn't think it was right for them to get together during this book. Just due to the plot and how their relationship actually began.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone. We literally just passed 200 reads and 100 votes, I never expected to get even that.

Make sure to vote and comment, if you enjoyed this story, follow me and my Instagram @erynrainestories for more updates.

See you in the next story!

- Eryn Raine

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