What Are They?!

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Justin's POV~

"Justin, I want to apologize again for what F. Freddy did...", I shake my head as we walk down the street, "As I said, Bryan, it's completely fine... I would have freaked out too if strangers came into my place.", Bryan nods, "Right.", as we got to Bryan's place, his phone rang, "Gah... Hello?", he picked his phone up, "Freddy? What's... Oh... Um... Right. I'll be right there... Yeah, bye...", he hung up and looked scared, "Bryan...?", he looked at me, "I have to get to my Theme Park, something is in there.", I could see Bryan was looking stressed, "I can come with you if you'd like.", he shook his head, "Justin, I don't want you to get hurt or involved with this...", I shake my head, "Nope. I'm coming.", Bryan sighed and gave in...

We walked up towards the crack in the wall and stepped through it, "Did this thing come through the portal?", Bryan walks towards the old park, "I don't know...", as we walked deeper in, my head started to hurt, "...", Bryan seemed to have noticed, "Justin? Are you OK?", I nod, "Yeah... I just have a bit of a headache.", "Bryan?", we all turned around to see R. Freddy, Bellora, Baby, H. Frog, Lefty, and R. Foxy, "Bryan? What is your friend doing here?!", Bryan sighs, "He was with me when you called and insisted on coming.", I take out my crowbar out of my bag, "So, what broke in?", everyone, but Bryan, seemed a bit startled by the fact I had this on me, "Um....", that's when we heard it...

Bryan. . .

We all turned to see this... This... Twisted looking Foxy... It looked at Bryan with a twisted smile,", I suddenly heard Baby scream, "RUNNNNN!!!!!",  we all ran into the Theme Park with that Fox on our tails!

Baby's POV~

I ran and hide in my tent. I was so scared...! I didn't want these things to be here, I don't want Bryan to get hurt! Not again... He's probably already hurting from what happened with the Pizzeria... I don't want him to go through any more pain! I suddenly open my eyes to hear Freddy, "Guys! If you all can hear me, meet me back at the Portal Room!! Now!", I took a few seconds to look around before making my way back...

I suddenly got cornered by T. Foxy!!! I started to cry as he laughed, he raised his hook..., "GET AWAY FROM HER!!!", my eyes shot open to see Bryan's friend, Justin, hitting T. Foxy with his crowbar... I wiped my tears and as soon as it was down, Justin grabbed my head and we both ran to the portal room...

Bellora's POV~

Me, Bryan, R. Freddy, and Foxy waited for Justin and Baby... I was terrified of my daughter's life! The door suddenly burst open and Baby ran into my as and Justin caught his breath, "Thank you, so much Justin!", Bryan asked if he was OK, "Yeah... That thing just cornered her...", I hug Baby close as R. Freddy got the portal ready, "Alright----", "WHAT THE?!", I turned to see that thing had grabbed Justin! Bryan picked up his crowbar and whacked T. Foxy in the leg as hard as he could, T. Foxy dropped Justin and ran after Bryan, who was able to get him in the portal! After that was felt with I looked over at Justin and I felt my heart stop.

Bryan's POV~

Justin's hood had fallen off again but he was fixing his hair as I walked over to him, "You OK?", he nods, "Yeah...", that's when the room suddenly felt cold... We all looked around and heard T. Foxy's voice. . .

You remember me...? Do you remember him..?

So sad...We'll always come back. . .

What was that supposed to mean?! I looked at everyone and I knew... This won't be over easily...

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