Movie Night!

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Blake's POV~

We all picked a movie that was suitable for Quinny to watch with us, I knew she felt a little sad that she wasn't as old as we were but Bunny and Anthony managed to cheer her up by saying that she can Ice-cream! She smiled as the movie started.

As everyone was watching the movie, I leaned over to Bryan, "Hey, Bryan? Can you do me a favour...?", he looked over at me and nods, "Sure, what's up?", I sigh, "Well... I have to work a littler later tomorrow and no one is available to watch Quin... Would it be alright if you could... Look after her...", he smiled and nodes, "Of course...!", I gave him a quick hug and brought my attention back to the movie...

Justin's POV~

As the movie played on I started to get tired... I did my best to stay awake, but I think I fell asleep around the end of the movie...


I woke up again... But... When I sat up I found myself in a child's room! I off the bed and took in the room... I walked around the room and was confused but scared... "Hello?", I froze. I turned around and... Nothing? I opened the right door and... A clawed hand grabbed my shirt and easily lifted me off the ground!! I was soon looking in the eyes of a torn, horrible, rabbit! I felt my heart pounding out of my chest... The thing used his fear hand and brushed my hair out of my eyes. He had this strange chaotic smile, "You'll remember eventually... And we'll always be here with you...", my eyes winded... Something was wrong! The thing suddenly tried to bite me in the head, I tried to scream but my vision soon went black...


I woke up with a start! I felt my heart hammering, my breaths were quick and cold sweat on my face... I looked around and everyone must have also fallen asleep... I didn't want to wake anyone so I decided to go to the kitchen to cry and calm myself down...

Bryan's POV~

I woke up at around... Gosh! 2am... I looked around and noticed Justin wasn't there... I got up and looked for him...

I soon saw him in the kitchen sitting in a chair with his head in his hand... I could see he did not look well... I walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Justin...?", he jumps but sighs, "O-Oh... It's just you...", I sat down next to me, "Hey... Are you OK... What happened...", he was silent at first before he told me, "Another nightmare... But...", he told me what had happened in the dream and I was shocked! He was a little white in the face, "Hey... Listen... Maybe you should see someone about your nightmares.... Even though you already do, these seem more.... Extreme.", he sighed, "... I'm sure it will... Just pass...", I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought...

Quinny was jumping up and down," I get to see your Theme Park!!! YES!!!", she ran circles around all of us. I managed to catch her with the help of Anthony, "Alright... Let's calm down a bit...", she giggles. I look over at Justin and I could see the tiredness in his eyes... I sighed and bid them goodbye and me and Quin walked to the bus stop..., "Bryan? Why is Justin tired?", I look at her and I sighed, "Justin is having a lot of sleep issues right now...", she hugged my arm as we sat down on the bus...

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