Nightmare And A Visit.

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Bryan's POV~

Once me and Justin got back to my Hotel Room, I basically collapsed on my bed, "Haha... Really?", I look at Justin, "Unlike you, I actually like sleep.", he laughs and sits on the opposite bed to me, "So, Bryan? Can I ask you something?", I sit up, "What's up?", "What... Happened in the mini games...?", I had a feeling he would eventually ask me this," Anarchy happened...", he sighed, "Of course... I swear to God... How on earth do I have this, condition, when I was never abused as a kid?!", I shrug, "I don't know... Maybe one day we'll find out.", he nods,"We better get to sleep or we'll hate ourselves in the morning.", I nod and we change and got to sleep...

(I totally am NOT writing this at an unreasonable time.)

Justin's POV~

I opened my eyes and saw myself in a room... But... It wasn't the room I was in with Bryan... It looked like a kids room... I noticed a golden Fredxy doll on a chair... I got up from the bed and went over to it, "... I've never seen this plush before...", I pick it up but instantly get a massive headache, "Ow! What is up with these headaches??!", they were starting to really annoy me! "He's here... ", I looked at the plush I was holding... Did it.... Did it just..... TALK?!?! I put it back on the chair, "Did... You just talk?", it shushed me, "He's hiding... Be quiet... Or he'll find you...", OK! This is creepy! I back away from the doll when suddenly I heard something from behind me, I turned around slightly to see a hook! "Arg.... What do we have here, laddie?", I felt cold sweat run down my face as he spoke, I clutched my fist and my breathes were coming out in small pants, "Don't be afraid... ~ We only wanna play... ~", I felt my heart speed up, "Where your friends... Do you still believe that...?" That... That phrase... I suddenly felt myself getting lifted off the ground by something, "!!!", I was soon face to face with a traumatising version of Foxy! His teeth where sharp, his suit was ripped up and his eyes shone bright," "Don't be afraid, laddie... IT WILL ONLY HURT FOR A SECOND.", he suddenly launched at me and I couldn't help but scream...

"I... I didn't mean to... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"


shot awake from the dream! I could feel cold sweat running down my face, my breathing was nearly out of control and I was in a silent shock... I put a hand on my chest to calm myself and took deep breaths... I did calm down... I looked over to Bryan who was still asleep... I held my head, which was throbbing a bit, "What the hell.....?", I looked at the time and sighed, "Currently 3 in the morning.... 4 hours of sleep.... Great way to start off my day...", I got up and looked for my jacket... Which was gone!? I frowned and thought, "Maybe... I felt it somewhere else...?", I opened the door and went to look for it...

I saw it by the kitchen counter, "Oh.", I pick it up and frown, "How did it get here...? I could have sworn that I took if off in room...", I just sigh and put it down to get a glass of water, "What are you doing up?", I jump to see the R. Freddy animatronic, "Jeez! You scared me! Sorry... I Umm.... Couldn't sleep...", he nods but sticks around...

R. Freddy's POV~

Justin soon got some water and turned to me, "Hey, by any chance, did anybody come into the room and move my jacket?", I frown, "Ummm.... No?", he frowned himself, "I could have sworn that it was in the room...", he sat down on a stool as I continued to stand, "Did someone move your jacket?", "Y-yeah... I remember taking it off in the room but when I woke up it was gone...", that was odd... I was even more confused on why this man was up at 3 in the fricken morning!! "Excuse me for asking, but... Is it normal for you to wake up this... Early?", he nods, "I don't know why... But I always wake up at 6am on the dot... Cam had suggested that maybe I should see someone about it incase I have insomnia.", I nod... This man is starting to sound a lot like the youngest Afton... From what I know, the youngest Afton suffered from insomnia, nightmares, waking up at 6am and this man was almost a clone of William! I decided to prove my theory," Wait... If you don't mind.... But how old are you?", from what I can remember Michael is 28 years old and there was a five age difference between him and his brother, "I'm 23.", I nod and hide the fact that it basically matches... Justin soon finished his water and rubbed his eyes, "I'm just trying to process what the heck my mind just made me see...", "What happened?", "Nightmare.... Although... This one was different... From my normal nightmares...", "How?", Justin took a deep breath and explained the nightmare... Which was starting to creep me out! OK... OK... I look at the clock and it was now 5am! "You better get back to the room before Bryan wakes up.", he nods, "Right. Thanks.", he takes his jacket and walks off... I sigh... How am I supposed to tell Baby let alone Bellora!!!!

Bryan's POV~

I woke up to see Justin sitting outside on the balcony, reading, "I got up, still sore from all that running yesterday and went over to him," How long have you been awake?", he looks up and smiles," 3am.", I sigh and sit down," Why do you do this to yourself?", he shrugs. I quickly get changed and heard someone knock," Come in!", I saw Lefty run in, "Bryan! You have visitors!", Lefty looked over at Justin, "Did he spend the--", "Yep. There was situation last night.", Lefty nods and runs back out, "I wonder who's visiting at this time...", Justin gets up and walks over, "How about we find out?", I nod and he pulls his hood up and we walk out...

Jon's POV~

I wondered if Bryan would be up at this time... Eh. I soon saw him and..., "Justin??", he waved, "Sup. Also don't ask.", Michael looked very confused, "Oh! Michael Um... This is Justin, he's a good friend of mine and Bryan's.", "Oh. Nice to meet you.", Justin and Michael shake hands, "Nice to meet you Michael.", I looked at Bryan, "We came to visit to check up on ya, make sure that you're OK.", Bryan nods, "Understandable. Hey, actually, after the check up thing, why don't we go play mini games?", Michael nods, "Sounds fun. I've never actually played before so... You have the advantage, Bryan.", Bryan smiles, "I would Justin has the advantage.", I shake my head, "Right... I forgot.", Michael looked a little startled, "???", while Bryan and Justin were talking he whispered, "Why does he sound like my Dad?", I soon remembered what Afton sounded like as a human and compared his voice to Justin. Well.... That's awkward..., "I don't know... I just noticed...", Michael seemed a little shaken up but he hides it well... Soon we rejoined Bryan and Justin's conversation and filled us in on what's been happening...

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