The Questions. . .?

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Bryan's POV~

I held Quinny's hand as we entered the park. . .

She looked so happy, "OMG!!!!!", S. Puppet, R. Freddy, F. Chica and R. Foxy came running and froze at the fact that I brought a little girl to work. . . I smiled, "I can explain.", R. Freddy nods, "Is she your child?!?", I laughed and shook my head, "No, No!! She's not mine! S. Puppet, she's my friend's little sister, I'm looking after her for the day.", they watched as Quinny ran around the fountain, "Oh. She's a hyper one. . .", I nod, "Yeah, but don't worry, she won't break anything.", Quinny came running back to me, "THIS IS HUGE!!!!", I nod, "I have a question!", R. Foxy got a bit curious, "What is it??", she titled her head, "Are you sure Justin will be OK?", I nod, "Y-Yeah... He's just... Having trouble sleeping...", this seemed to have an interest in this statement, "Hey, Puppet? Maybe you could show Quinny the shops?" S. Puppet nods and leads Quinny around the Park. . .

Rockstar Foxy's POV~

Bryan sighed and R. Freddy seemed oddly concerned, "Nightmares?", he sighed, "He had a rough night last night. . . He woke up at 3am and told me about the nightmare... I tried to tell him that maybe he should go see someone, but he says he'll be fine and he'll wait for them to pass...", R. Freddy suddenly didn't look good, "C-Can you explain it?", Bryan explained it and I think he just might give me nightmares. . .

S. Puppet's POV~

I watched as the little girl ate her chocolate bar while she looked at the Helpy statue, " DARN it!! I'm still not tall enough!!", I giggle, "It's OK, she's a lot shorter in reality!", she clapped, "Yay!!", she suddenly noticed the plushies, "Ohh!!! I wanna get one for me and Justin!!", I smiled, "Of course!", she looked around and picked up the plushie of Helpy and... Wait.

"What's this one called????", I don't remember Bryan ever getting a Golden Freddy... She asked if she could take them, "Of course!", I put them in a bag and take her hand, "Let's take you on some of the rides.", "YAY!!!!", I had to run after her. . .

R. Freddy's POV~

I watched as Bryan ran after Quinny. . . R. Foxy turned to me, "Explain.", I sighed, I told him about Bryan's friend, Justin, looked EXACTLY like William Afton!! Sounds like him and even acts like him!! I wanted to undo the waterproof on my skeleton and jump in the Lake. But, before I could even try, "But... He's different from William...", R. Freddy told me that he only seems to be like him when he was mad, when he's calm he's a very calm man. . . This was very Werid.... Even for an Afton!!

-  -  -  -

Quinny was jumping up and down after her visit, "THIS WAS AMAZING!!!!", she ran circles around Bryan. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. . . A man was watching us. . . Bryan picked her up and didn't notice. . . I ran over without Bryan was talking to the others. . .

"Who are you.", he sighed, "Don't worry about it.  .  . I promise everything will be revealed in a good time.", before I could do anything about him, he ran off. . .

Quinny's POV~

As we sat on the bus as I played with my new Heloy doll and Bryan was very silent. . . I wonder if he's OK. . . I tapped his shoulder," Bryan? I have another question... ", he smiled, I pulled out the Golden Freddy doll, "Um... What's it his name?", Bryan took it in his hands and looked very confused. . .

"Quinny. . . I don't remember having this kind of doll. . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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