Mini Games Again

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Bryan's POV~

We walked and talked about the incident last night, "... Bryan. How the heck does this happen to you?", "I don't know, Jon... I guess I just have bad luck!", Michael shakes his head, "Honestly... I probably would have fled by this point if that happened to me so, good job!", I smile, "Thank you!","Hey, Bryan?", I turn to Justin, "What's up, Justin?", he smiled, "Is... Is that your credit card??", he pointed out to Helpy.... STANDING ON A MOUNTAIN OF BATTERIES!!!! "HELPY!!", we all ran over to her and the animatronics, "Hi, Bryan! Do you like it?", Michael started to laugh at this, "Bryan, what the flip is this?", I look at Justin with annoyance, "Helpy's addiction and my credit card that's what it is.", Justin looked around the pile, "Um... Why would she need this many batteries...?", Helpy jumped down and looked up at Justin, "You can never have enough batteries!", Justin looked confused, "... These will just eventually lose their charge!", "I collect them!", I sigh, "Bryan, what would happen if I threw these batteries in a shredder?", Helpy suddenly kicked him, "NO!!", "OW!", I pull Helpy away, "Helpy! Don't kick him!", Helpy looked at me, "He threatened my batteries!!", he growled, "I ought throw you in portal!", "No!", Jon was just shaking his head while Michael was just watching this, "Helpy.", "What?", "As much as I don't like this, you don't want to be on Justin's bad side.", "What's he gonna do?!", I know exactly what he was capable of so, I hope she takes my word for it.

Michael's POV~

After that was taken care of, we continued the conversation about last night, "... And that's pretty much what happened.", Jon looked stunned," Wow. Well, I give you props for standing your ground.", I noticed Helpy was creeping up behind Justin, "Yeah, and you properly would know I felt when I found out that Someone woke up a 3am...!", he looked at Justin who just smiled, "Not my fault. This time something woke me up.", Jon looked surprised, "Oh? What was it?", Justin sighed, "I... I'll tell you later, besides----", Helpy suddenly jumped up in the air and pulled Justin's hood off, "HA!", Justin growled, he turned around and his voice suddenly changed, "Don't you ever touch my hood again.", Helpy squeaked and ran off, "Um... Justin?", he was silent for a moment before he turned to us,"Sorry... I don't like people who pull my hood off.", I noticed something that made my heart stop. He not only sounds like my father..... BUT LOOKS LIKE HIM. Justin pulled his hood back up, "Anyway.", Bryan smiled,"You guys up for some games?", we nod, "Sure. I have time!", "The animatronics will be fine for another 24 hours so, yeah!", myself, Bryan, Jon, Justin and a few of the animatronics walked towards the portal...

Jon's POV~

Once we were in the games,"Oh! We're playing murder mystery again!", "Great...!", I heard Justin's scarsastic remark,"Sorry, Justin...", "It's fine, just remember to hit me on the head if it happens again.", I knew what they were talking about... Anarchy... As we talked I started to wonder who the murder was... And I got an answer! I suddenly got stabbed in the back, "WHAT THE---?!", I saw Baby running away from me, "I know who it is.", "You do?", "Yep. And I feel so ashamed that I got killed by them.", I watched as the game continued on and soon Baby won! Michael laughed, "You got beat by my sister!", I sigh, "Yep.", I could hear her giggling at this...

Baby's POV~

I jumped on the roller-coaster, "So~Justin are you the killer?", "No. I'm actually not, which is good.", I frowned a little... I wasn't in the Mini Games last time... Apparently something happened that creeped the animatronics out. I suddenly saw Helpy stab Bryan, "IT'S HELPY!", "Nooo~No, it isn't~", Helpy started to kill everyone and soon it was just her and Justin, "This is what you get for threatening my batteries!!", I knew who the detective was... It was Justin... He stood in the lava place, "Don't forget, Helpy, if you run out time I still win.", she started to run around looking for him and soon the time ran out! She wasn't happy, "If I get the bow, I'm shooting you. I don't even care.", I heard Justin chuckle, "Good luck.", the next round began...

R. Freddy's POV~

I didn't know if Justin was the murder this time... Now we're on a space ship... I kept focusing on what I've learnt about Justin... I suddenly get stabbed! I inhale sharply, "I got killed. I don't know who did it.", Bryan sighed, "What's wrong Bryan?", "Michael. If I confuse you then I apologise.", I watch this unfold, "Anarchy! I know it's you!", I heard 'Justin', laugh darkly, "Alright, alright... You caught me.", Helpy squeaked and clung to Bryan's sleeve, "Why are you calling him Anarchy? What's happening to him?!", Michael looked like he might faint, "Helpy; Anarchy is Justin's second personality. His darkside I guess...", I saw Justin appear behind them, "Indeed I am.", they all jump back and Bryan stands his ground, "Anarchy. Leave. Him. Alone. He doesn't need this stress today because he's already tired!", he smiled darkly, "I know... But, it's not my fault for once... A Nightmare from the past...", Baby cleared her throat and to speak to this second personality, "W... What do... You... Mean a Nightmare... From the past...?", Anarchy seemed to be surprised, "Don't worry about that.... Elizabeth.", Baby jumped back and hid behind Bryan, "H-How?!", Anarchy starts to fiddle with the knife, "Like I said before... I know more than Justin does. He may have lost his memories... But I never did.", Bryan looked behind him and saw Jon creeping up behind Anarchy with a hammer, "Might as well finish this round off, shall we...? Oh. And by the way...", he looked over at Michael as Jon raised the hammer above his head, "Nice seeing you again, Michael Afton.", Michael looked at him as if he were Satan but before Anarchy could do anything to them, Jon hit him on the head, knocking him out, Bryan caught Justin, "OK... OK... That was a little odd...", "A little?! Bryan, how did he know my name as as our last name?!", "I don't know... Something is up and I'm going to find out... But we need to bring him back...", and so we left for home....

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