"And where have you been?"


"For nearly two days!"

He ignored her before opening and slamming a cabinet. "Are you hungry?"

"Arthur! I've been worried sick about you! Could you at least answer me?"

"So you're not hungry?"

Penny let out a sigh of defeat. "Nevermind."

Arthur shrugged before heading to his room.

He wished he had just stayed away.

Cotton sheets felt colder when only one person was wrapped up in them.

His bed felt twice as empty now that he had to sleep alone.

Unfortunately for Angel he didn't return the next day.

In fact. Days had passed and he hadn't attempted to reach out to her at all.

He had been crushed by life.

Arthur had been sucker punched by Thomas Wayne.

He then found out his mother had a stroke.

The following day he found out he was adopted and then the next day
he killed his mother.

Life really knew how to serve hot lemonade.

Now, in present day, Arthur was just sitting alone waiting for the opportunity to strike his next target.

Soft knocking sounded and the green haired man stepped away from his mirror with a silver pair of scissors in his back pocket.

When he opened the front door he blinked as he saw four people before him.





"Come on in."

They all stepped inside and he locked the door, watching them all take off their jackets before turning to face him.

Angel's eyes were bloodshot but she seemed to be masking that pretty well with an indifferent expression.

Sophie seemed concerned, a soothing hand resting on his girlfriend's back as she offered a small smile.

Gary seemed a little concerned as well but didn't say anything.

Randall grinned.

"We bring wine and cheer!"

Angel shot the balding man a glare. "You bring wine and cheer, I bring the wrath of a thousand suns."

"His mother died." Gary offered an excuse in Arthur's defense.

"He didn't even tell me she was in the hospital!"

"Aren't you a doctor?" Randall rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Everyone looked at Randall.

"Well if you're smart enough to be a doctor, you should be smart enough to go looking for him if he goes M.I.A."
He snorted. "Which reminds me, why didn't you go looking for him?"

"Did you?"

"Clearly I did, otherwise I wouldn't be here now, princess."

Gary mumbled. "He didn't..."

Sophie covered Gary's mouth before moving her hand.

"Well unlike you, I have a job in which I'm obligated to treat people out of my office all fucking day."

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