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Jackson had escaped.

She found out the next day and she didn't tell Scott or anyone else about what happened with Gerard. Some things were better left unsaid.

But Jackson had killed a man once he escaped but left the man's wife, a pregnant woman, untouched. Jackson had shown up at the police station after killing the man, completely himself as if nothing had happened; like he didn't remember. He had a restraining order filed against Scott and Stiles.

Also, thanks to Lydia knowing Archaic Latin, they figured out that the Kanima actually sought a master, not a friend. So the video, the one that Jackson took on the night of the full moon, that Danny had on a tablet was stolen not because someone was trying to protect Jackson, but because they wanted to keep controlling him.

This all happened in one day and it made her exhausted just thinking about it. But this was the life she chose. Her choosing may or may not have had something to do with a certain werewolf who she hadn't seen since she ingested the Kanima venom.

Derek Hale was a plague on her mind for most of the day. Their conversation was left unfinished and she desired to know what he would say.

But her thoughts on Derek had to be halted when she went to detention. She had to make up the detention she missed and, surprisingly, everyone else had detention as well because of a fight that Scott and Jackson had. Erica, Allison, and a boy named Matt were all in detention, too.

She sat at a table with Erica, sitting across from her, and Erica regarded her carefully as she asked, "Where were you yesterday?"

"Why does that matter?" Eira asked, looking around carefully to make sure Scott didn't hear. He didn't. He was looking at Jackson with a murderous glare.

"Derek was worried," Erica shrugged.

Eira couldn't help the toothed smile that made its way into her face before she responded, "My brother took me home early yesterday."

Suddenly Jackson got up and nearly sprinted out of the library, looking as pale as a ghost. She hoped he wasn't turning into the Kanima; that thing was scary and it terrified her.

Mr. Harris went after Jackson and told none of us could move from our seats but Scott and Stiles immediately hopped up and sat down next to us, looking intently at Erica.

"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died," Scott stated.

"Maybe," Erica said.

"Talk," Scott demanded.

"It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he's 18," Erica explained.

"So not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at 18?" Stiles questioned.

"Yep," Erica responded.

"There's something so deeply wrong with that," Stiles scowled.

"You know what? I could try to find the insurance report on my dad's inbox. He keeps everything," Erica said, opening her laptop to try to find it.

The intercom came on in the library, requesting that Scott go to the office. So, he begrudgingly left. Jackson had come back and Erica found the report. Stiles leaned over, looking over Erica's shoulder, "Whoa, look at the dates."

"'Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA. The estimated time of death - 9:26 P.M., June 14, 1995'," Erica read off the report.

"Jackson's birthday is June 15th," Stiles noted.

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