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Her scream died off as she became frozen in place. The creature reached its arm out until its hand made contact with her cheek. She thought she'd feel its claws but instead she felt its slimy finger-pads.

Its fingers brushed down her cheek softly like it was trying to be as gentle as possible. As soon as the creature saw her, it felt a calmness wash over it. And as it was studying the girl in front of it to try to find a reason as to why, Stefan appeared suddenly and pushed it away from Eira.

It took off the side mirror of the car as it went tumbling backwards. It gained its footing and screeched on all fours, it's body low to the ground as it prepared to attack. But its eyes caught onto the mirror and it tilted his head curiously at it. Then the creature looked at them, almost like it was confused, before it took off and disappeared into the night.

"Eira, are you okay? Did it hurt you?" Stefan questioned.

"No, it didn't. I'm fine," Eira answered before she furrowed her eyebrows. "It seemed...curious."

Stefan sighed and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. She hugged him tightly back, not wanting to let go because he was the only person that made all of her fears go away.


Scott showed up shortly after. He figured out that the book of records that the Argents kept was in a flash drive. They were now all trying to figure out what the creature was but the pages were all in a form of Latin.

"Are you okay?" Derek uttered quietly while everyone around them was huddled around the laptop.

She looked up at him to see his eyes were studying her intently and she felt goosebumps form on her skin from his stare. She spoke breathlessly, "Yes. Are you?"

Derek formed a small smile before he answered, "Yes."

Derek dropped the smile almost immediately after, like he was trying to hide it away. He furrowed his eyebrows as he asked, "You said you thought it was confused, or curious, about its reflection?"

Eira nodded and it seemed people were now listening in on their conversation as Scott asked, "You know what it is?"

Derek had a look of realization and he nodded, "It's called a Kanima."

"What else do you know?" Stiles asked as Erica came to stand next to the other side of Derek.

"Just stories, rumors," Derek answered.

"But it's like us?" Scott questioned.

"A shape - shifter, yes, but it's - it's not right. It's like a..." Derek struggled to find the right word.

"An abomination," Stefan answered, his tone was grim, she could see the self-loathing in his eyes, and Derek nodded. She stepped over to Stefan and grabbed his hand, reassuring him.

"Derek," Scott called as the Alpha went to walk away. "We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents."

"You trust them?" Derek stated in anger.

"Nobody trusts anyone!" Scott exclaimed. "That's the problem. While we're here, arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger and faster than any of us except Eira's brother and it's killing people and we still don't even know anything about it."

"I know one thing, when I find it..." Derek responded, his voice hostile, as he walked away with Erica following him. "...I'm gonna kill it."

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