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Her name is pronounced ear-ah.

Damon was dead.

The two remaining Salvatores didn't know what to do or how to cope. But one thing Stefan knew was that he had to get Eira out of Mystic Falls. He should've gotten her out of the town as soon as she woke up from her coffin years ago but all things supernatural kept drawing them back in over and over again.

That was no more.

Stefan had her pack a bag as he did so himself and then they were on the road. They left Mystic Falls behind and all of its people. It didn't matter to him that the town was in the rearview mirror; the only thing that mattered to him now was his baby sister.

And he hoped to get the two of them away from supernatural drama. But he had no idea they were moving from one hotspot of mythical creatures to another, this one being Beacon Hills.


"Hey, you'll make new friends wherever we're going," Stefan tried to reassure as she frowned at the sign that said Leaving Mystic Falls.

"But I didn't have friends. I just had Elijah and he's gone," Eira stated as she pouted thinking about Elijah. Stefan also frowned thinking about Elijah and the way the Original looked at his sister, complete adoration in his eyes. He shook his head.

But she continued as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "And Damon said I couldn't make any friends because one of them might be a boy. Why does he not like boys?"

"Uh..." Stefan paused as he thought of a way to explain it. "Because boys just like...your inheritance of genes...and that's bad."

Eira just became more confused than before but she didn't question him again. Boys equaled bad for some reason and she had no problem staying away. Not that she knew how to communicate with the male species anyways.

Well, there was Klaus. He seemed to hold a soft spot for her for the two seconds that they had met before Elijah killed him. And with the thought of Elijah, she smiled.

Elijah had a rough time after the sacrifice. He had killed his own brother and she knew all too well about that considering Stefan killed her when he was first turned into a vampire. She had stayed glued to Elijah after that making sure he was okay and working him towards forgiving himself.

That task became a lot easier when he found his family stored in coffins just like Klaus said before Elijah killed him. His family had forgiven him and they seemed like they were becoming a true family again until Esther, their mother, that had been in the coffin that was already open appeared.

Esther, Finn, and their plans against the the rest of the Original family had been dealt with but it came at the price of her brother, Stefan, losing the girl. Elena had been turned into a vampire and fell out of love with Stefan. Even when she took the cure, she still wasn't in love with him anymore.

And that was when Elijah left to New Orleans. There was something going on with his sister, Rebekah, in that city and she needed help. Eira missed him dearly and maybe a little too much than was good for her.

She had moped for so long once he left and once she got out of her depressive-like state, she found out Silas had drained the cure out of Elena but the doppelgänger was still human. A lot of things happened after that but Damon got trapped on the Other Side when it was collapsing. And so he was gone along with Bonnie.

Eira cried for so long and didn't come out of her room for days up until Stefan demanded she pack a bag. Now they were on the road and leaving the town that brought them nothing but pain.

After losing their brother, Stefan was determined to not lose his remaining sibling. She was a target in that town, after all, with the way she was changed after waking up from her coffin. Every vampire would want her because of how her blood smelt tantalizing.

So he would take her someplace where no vampires were, or at least, very few were.

"Do you think we can stop in New Orleans?" Eira asked.

"No," the answer was immediate.

And take her someplace far, far away from Elijah Mikaelson.

AN: I know, I know. I killed off Klaus but I don't see a world where Klaus exists and Eira isn't with him. That and I really think Elijah would've killed Klaus in season two if he had someone he cared about that he thought was unsafe from Klaus aka Eira.

So I'm still not sure who I'm going to pair Eira with in this book. Pretty sure it's going to be Deucalion because man do I love him so much. But it could be Derek. I'm not sure. Decisions, decisions.

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