17 - Forgive and Forget?

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Taehyung's POV

I've been managing CM Entertainment for 6 months now. I finally can check my phone after the 1st month over and immediately reply to the messages. I got a call from Sejin hyung right after I reply to his message and Bang PD-nim call me when it's night in Seoul. I also haven't update anything to my own social media. How can I update anything when I can't even touch my own phone. At a hectic and busy moment like this, I really thankfull that I have Louis by myside to help me. Yeah, Louis now will always following where I go. I also have a few bodyguards.

I massage my temple, I'm right now at LA. CM Ent. has some branch at USA, at LA, Chicago, Seattle and New York. After here, I need to go to the other branch of CM Ent. at USA and those at Canada. Yeah, we have at Canada too, at Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. I need to go to each branch of CM Ent. around to world so the workers will know that I'll be the one that handling the company from now on.

"Hey, don't get too stress.." said Conan as he put away my hands from my head and start massaging it for me. "Thank you." I close my eyes. "You're welcome. Why? BTS again or work?" I tensed up at his words. I already told Conan about how BTS used to treat me right after I come back to Paris. At first, he's really angry. I never see him that angry before, I know that he still angry at them until now.

I nod my head, "can't help but remember them. Especially at this time of the year, there'll be a BBMA at Las Vegas. I need to attend as the CEO and owner of CM Ent. to show support of my artist. I don't want to meet BTS there." "Hey Taehyung.. I think it's time for you, us, to forgive and forget about them. It's not healthy to hold grudges. It hurts more to hold grudges than to forgive. The anger we hold inside will damages us. Remember, when you forgive, you heal. And when you let go, you grow. Don't let the shadows of your pas darken the doorstep of your future Tae. But, learn from our mistakes before we forget. After that, we need to learn to let go. Letting go is hard, but we need to focus on ourselves instead of being brought down by those that doesn't deserve us in their life. Life is too short to keep on living in the past. Forgive the others. Not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace." Conan stop massaging me and look into my eyes.

I'm too shock with his words, I mean.. I can't imagine Conan as someone that said those meaningful and deep words. Whenever we're together, we always having fun and taking care of each other. But not to the extend of taking care of each other mental health. After freeze for a few minutes, I smile and hug Conan. Whispering thank you again and again until I cry.

Conan's POV

I dislike BTS because they always make Taehyung sad, even after he left them. He's already start to getting better now, especially ever since his older cousin come back to Paris. I can't always with him since we live at different place, but now it's a little closer. Especially if he need to go to for business trip to LA or when I have tour around where he live in the future. We can talk about it when the time come.

Right now we're laying down on my bed at my house.. I told him to stay at my place if he come to LA, I even give him my spare key so he can come in even when I'm not here. He has his own room, but we usually end up sleeping together since we fall asleep while talking or play at my room. "Hey, about update your account to ease your mind?" I nudge his arm. "Maybe tomorrow Conan. Let's take some good selca for now." He lift his phone while I try to pose.

"I hope that I can be the one that make you happy Tae. You're like a brother to me." I mumble after we finish taking some selca.

~ tbc

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