We all turned to face Lucy, standing by a rock, coming out to face us.

"Prince Caspian?" Peter asked. The boy looked at us, attempting to be intimidating.

"Yes. And who are you?" He asked Peter. Peter remained silent. Caspian pressed Peter's blade harder into my skin. A tiny trickle of blood fell. Peter opened his mouth to speak.

"Peter!" Susan shouted, running up with everyone to meet us. Caspian's face changed to bewilderment. And he removed the blade from my neck and gazed down at it, like it was a priceless gem.

"High King Peter?" He stated, but it came out more like a question.

"I believe you called," he said somewhat angrily, still looking at the his hand grasping my hair. Caspian's eyes widened and he seemed to get the hint, and released my hair. I slumped foreword onto my hands and knees, trying not to wince as the daggers in my veins protested. Peter came over and lifted me onto my feet, handing me my walking stick, but staying next to me in case I fell. I lifted my hand and wiped away the few droplets of blood. Caspian watched the exchange with confusion on his face.

"Well yes, but," he paused, "I thought you'd be... older."

"Well if you like," Peter said, placing his arm around my shoulders, "we can come back in a few years."

"No!" Caspian said quickly, glancing at Susan. "You're just, not exactly what I expected."

An awkward silence filled the air.

"Well neither are you," Edmund said, clearly trying to understand what was going on.

"A common enemy, unites even the oldest of foes," a voice said from a ways away. We all turned to see a badger sitting on a rock, smiling. A mouse, with a tiny scabbard and sword came barreling out of the brush. I smiled slightly. He was extremely adorable.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, My Liege," he said bowing to Peter. "Our hearts and swords are at your service."

"Oh my gosh he is so cute," Lucy whispered quietly to Susan.

The little mouse, clearly offended, whipped out his sword, "Who said that!" He shouted looking around.

Lucy's eyes widened and she blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry," she said still blushing.

"Oh, uh, your Majesty" the mouse said, clearly not expecting her, "With the greatest respect, I do believe courageous, courteous, or chivalrous, might more befit, a knight of Narnia."

"Well," said Peter, "at least we know some of you can handle a blade."

"Yes indeed," replied the little mouse, "and I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army Sire."

"Good," said Peter, turning back to Caspian. "Cause we're going to need every sword we can get."

"Well then," Caspian replied, speaking through his split lip, "you will probably be wanting yours back."

Peter looked down at Caspian's outstretched hand, grabbed the sword from it and putting it into his scabbard in one smooth motion.

He placed his arm around my shoulder and began to walk away confidently. I struggled to keep up, but luckily, no one noticed.


"Hey?" I asked Peter as we were walking along. Caspian looked over to me as well.

"Yes? What is it?" Peter asked.

"Do you mind if I walk in the back with Susan and Lucy? I don't quite understand all this 'King Talk'," I said smirking. The truth is, I did understand, but I just couldn't keep up with them anymore. I had already stumbled three times, and tripped and fell twice.

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now