The gayest of the gays

Start from the beginning

"Well who are they?"  Asked Emile. 

"Quinn,"  Answered Damien.  Everyone reacted pretty much like how'd anyone expect towards Quinn.  I mean, his dad hurt and murdered a shit ton of people.  He's not exactly someone you was to be around or talk about.

We all looked at him in shock, well except myself. I had my suspicions and they're just getting confirmed. But Logan even looked up from his book, shock written across his face.

"I don't think that's a good idea,"  Roman mumbled.  "He's fuckin' crazy or something." 

"Yeah he's probably as fucked up in the mind as his dad,"  Remy agreed.

"Language!"  Patton and Emile said at the same time.

"He's not a psycho,"  Damien said, his eyes narrowing in anger.  "He's really nice.  Everyone needs to stop treating him like shit over something he had no control over."

Everyone looked uncomfortably down at the table.  We all knew we was right, but we didn't want to admit it.  We didn't want there to be a reason why we should feel bad for being rude to him.

"I'm meeting him again this afternoon, his boyfriend Evan will be there," He told us. "Why don't you all come with me, so I can prove to you that he's as bad you think he is."

"Oh Quinn is gay too?" Emile asked. "Seems like everyone is."

"The gay is spreading and growing stronger," Roman laughed.

"No one can escape the gay," Remy added. "The gays are all powerful."

Roman and Remy burst out laughing, earning laughs from the rest of us.

"Not all of us are gay though," Patton said, a funnily thoughtful look on his face.

"Okay, well you and Emile are pan," Remy said, taking a sip from his Starbucks. "I know I'm gay as fuck. What about the rest of you?"

"The gayest of the gays!" Roman said dramatically. It makes me happy for him that he's learned to accept himself.

"I will fight you for that title,"  Remy laughed.

"Bring it on," Roman said, acting serious in a funny way.

"Demisexual and gay," Answered Logan, not even looking up from his book. "Now please stop your childish bickering." 

"Gay," I mumbled.

"Polyamorous and gay,"  Damien answered. 

"Oh you're okay with a poly relationship?"  Asked Emile.  

"Only certain people,"  He explained.  "I've met very few people that I'd be okay with being in a poly relationship with.  And I'm okay with a regular two person relationship."

"We all need to go to pride,"  Remy said, kicking his heeled feet up on the table. 

"That would be so much fun!"  Patton squealed, a wide smile coming over his face.

"June is literally eight months away,"  I complained. 

"Still,"  Remy said.  "Chill babes, it'll work itself out."  I rolled my eyes in response. 

"I didn't take you to be a faggot Roman,"  Said an all too familiar voice from behind us.  The way Emile and Patton's faces paled and Remy tensed up, I can only guess who it was.

"Fuck off Jackson,"  Roman said, turning around.  Damien, Logan and I turned with him. 

I looked uneasily up at Jackson.  He glared at all of us, pure disgust in his eyes. 

"We got all the two babies, the faggot, the freak, the robot, the emo, and the fallen prince."  Jackson purred, all his friends moving to stand next to him.  "This will be fun."

"We don't want any trouble,"  Roman tried to say. 

"Too bad,"  Hissed Jackson.  "The fucking freak face threatened some of my friends!" 

"Friends is a strong word for your drug dealers,"  Damien said in a calm manor.  "And I thought they were the biggest douches here, but it turns out you take the cake."

"Excuse me!  Who the hell do you think you're talking to newbie?!"  Jackson yelled, getting up on Damien's face. 

"I don't know,"  Damien said, standing up slowly.  He towered over Jackson, and I could see his muscles rippling beneath his leather jacket.  "Who am I talking to?"

"Look I'm in charge at this school,"  Jackson growled.  "So don't go fucking with my group."

"Then don't pick on people,"  Damien told him. 

"It was the psycho and his little whore from Abbot High," Jackson scoffed. "They deserve to take a few beatings every now and then."

And with that, Damien punched Jackson in the nose.

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