i'm in love with you - finn

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(I'm adding songs now!!)

warning: none

song: I'm in love with u, sorry - j'san

summary: short n' soft

(Y/n POV)

walking home with Finn, like any other day.

Finn and i's relationship was complicated. we both shared feelings for each other and we hang out a lot, we even kissed once. but we weren't exactly "dating". when Finn's friends or my own would ask if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, he'd shrug it off and I'd change the subject.

it was a normal day in Vancouver BC, but it was pouring. I didn't check the weather in the morning, and I'm assuming Finn didn't either, so we both didn't bring proper coats or an umbrella.

today, Finn walked closer to me then he usually did.

we were quiet, like usual, until suddenly he spoke up. he said the most horrifying but sweetest 6 words anyone can say.

"I am in love with you."

a sudden wave of cold but warm feeling shot through my body, I looked up at him, confused, surprised and curious.

"you heard me."

I paused, in case he wanted to say more but he just didn't. he kept looking at me with those puppy brown eyes. with his curly brown hair dripping wet with cool rainwater. his face pale from the cold and his nose and cheeks ever so slightly pink.

"Finn..." I said with a small movent of my head.

"I am in love with you."

he repeated.

"and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed, and that one day all of our labors will be returned to dust. and I know that the sun will swallow the only earth we will ever have..."

she stopped and turned, me doing the same. the boy I had a major crush on, that I refused to believe I was in love with as well, looked me directly in the eyes and said it once again...

"..and I am in love with you."

but this time with a pang of truth and genuineness.


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