WILL: Fine, have it your way.

NICO: What are you doing--

*Rustling* *Music stops*

NICO: You fucking unplugged my speaker!

WILL: I want to talk, death boy. For god's sake, give me a minute.

NICO: Don't start with that fucking nickname again! You have no right to touch my shit!

WILL: You pointed a knife at your dad, and I'm the one who's out of line?

NICO: Would you-- would you just get angry, sunshine?! For once in your fucking life, yell at me! Cuss me out! Tell me to get lost!


NICO: You're a freak.

WILL: Freak who's dating your sister.

NICO: Get out of my room.


WILL: If you hate me so much, why'd you set us up in the first place?


NICO: You make her happy.

WILL: And I can't make you happy, too? Be your friend?


NICO: No, you can't, Solace. Just leave me alone, please.


I dashed into my room. A few seconds later, I heard Will go back downstairs. I waited a little while for Nico to cool down, then I went into his room. He was passed out on his bed, an empty bottle of vodka in his hand.

I pushed my tears down. Will was going to work, but I had to make Nico less of a trainwreck while my five-point plan took effect. I wasn't going to enable this behavior anymore. I grabbed a garbage bag from the bathroom, and then I tore Nico's room apart. I grabbed every bottle of alcohol, every pack of cigarettes, every little baggie of marijuana (at least I hoped they were all pot leaves) and tossed them away. I put the garbage bag in my room and locked the door behind me. Nico wouldn't wake up until the morning, at least; I'd have my intervention then.

"Thalia!" I called on my way down the stairs. She and Luke were getting ready to leave. I hugged her. "I'm so sorry about tonight. Do you have to go already?"

"Luke's got work tomorrow," Thalia started to say, but Luke cut her off.

"Don't worry about it, Thalia," he said, "I can head back on my own."

"Luke," Thalia protested.

"When was the last time you had time to yourself?" he asked. "It's fine. I can handle a night alone."

Thalia pulled him aside. I watched them quietly argue until Thalia finally caved. She kissed him goodnight and walked him to the door. The door slammed shut. She stood there, one hand on the doorknob, staring at Luke as he walked to his shitty, beat-up, fourth-hand car.

"Do you think he's good for me?" Thalia asked.

"Good for you, how?" I asked.

"Good," Thalia repeated. "Right."

"I don't think he's right for anyone," I admitted. "In and out of jail, dead-end job, I get he's had a hard life, but he's a loser, Thalia. If you're starting to wonder whether you want to be with him... maybe that's a sign you shouldn't be."

"We're having a baby, Bianca," Thalia whispered.

She'd finally told me. I pulled her into a hug and said, "Whatever happens, I'll be right there to support you. What are best friends for?"

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