Bad Boy- Chapter Eighteen

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"Have you ever liked someone so much that you cried over them?" Chris asked.

Him and Stone sat on the bleachers, waiting for the others to show up for school. Stone was zoned out, starring at the cast around his leg. He shrugged his shoulders, and tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Not really, no. Why're you asking?"

Chris sighed. He needed someone to talk to, he was tired of keeping it bottled up. He needed some advice, before he drove himself crazy, and before Eddie found someone.

"I... have. Just the other night. I need some advice." Chris said shyly, looking down at his feet.

"Eddie?" Stone asked, giving his attention to Chris.

Chris nodded his head. Stone couldn't help but to laugh a little. Just by the fact Eddie had feelings for Chris too, it was too obvious.

"Why're you crying about it? Everyone can tell you both like each other. Just ask him out."

Chris shook his head. "I can't do that. Every time I start, I choke up and it won't come out."

"Ask him to the dance," Stone suggested, "It's next Friday, you know."

"Are you going to ask Mike?"

Stone's cheeks instantly lit up, and his eyes grew big. "Why would I do that?"

"Because he likes you, and you like him." Chris said, a big grin on his face.

"We're just good friends." Stone said.

"We all seen him kiss your cheek at the hospital, you go to all his cheerleading practices, you go to the games just to watch him, you-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know I know." Stone said, his cheeks as red as blood. Chris chuckled.

"You do like him, don't you?"

"Well, maybe I have some small feelings for him, but it's not that big of a deal."

"Small?" Chris questioned, continuing to tease his friend, who was already embarrassed to death.

"Look, if you tell anyone about this, you're dead." Stone said.

Chris grinned. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Hey, Stone." A voice behind the two spoke, as a finger gently poked Stone's shoulder. Both boys turned around to see Layne and Jerry standing behind them.

"Hey." Stone said, a little awkwardly. Layne softly smiled, and handed Stone a bag.

"I picked up some things at work last night for you. I'm sorry about the car accident, but I'm glad to see your recovering from it."

"Well, thanks, Layne. That's sweet of you." Stone said, taking the bag, which was full of chocolates and other sweets.

"Yeah, we hope you get better soon." Jerry said.

"Thanks." Stone said, kind of quietly. He couldn't help but to feel weird that Jerry was actually being kind to him, but nonetheless, Stone gave him a smile. While Stone smiled, Chris gave Jerry a death glare, not forgetting how he tried to get with Eddie, and he probably never would forget.

* * *

"I can do this... I'll just ask quick, and if he says no, it'll be fine..." Chris whispered to himself as he grabbed his jacket off the rack it was hung on.

His father laid on the couch, once again passed out. He had his wallet laid on the table, where Chris had stolen two dollars from it. Chris knew if he noticed, he'd be in big trouble, but right now, Eddie was more important.

Chris headed out the door, and headed toward the flower shop, which wasn't too far from Eddie's house. Chris wanted to at least give Eddie a rose before asking him, wanting to make a sweet gesture.

Chris' heart was already skipping beats in his chest. He thought of how lucky he would be, to have Eddie in his arms, dancing with him, and maybe, if Chris could overcome his shyness, he would give Eddie a kiss before taking him home.

A sweet aroma of flowers filled the air when Chris stepped into the shop. Right at the front of the shop, there were a bouquet of red roses. Looking over them, Chris picked one out, which had flawless pedals.

After paying the woman at the front, Chris then headed toward Eddie's house. That was when the anxiety really hit. Chris could feel his cheeks heating up, as his heart began to beat a little faster.

I got this. I can do it.

Chris pushed himself further, until he found himself at Eddie's front door. Chris pecked on the door, holding the rose behind his back so no one would see.

Eddie's mother came to the door. Once she seen it was Chris, she gave him a big, warm smile. It seemed to comfort Chris.

"Hello, Chris. It's been a long time since I seen you. How've you been?"

Chris nodded his head. "I've been good. Uh, is Eddie around?"

"Yeah, he's up in his room. Would you like to come in?"

Chris shook his head. "That's okay. If you don't mind, would you ask him to step out a minute? I'm kinda in a hurry."

She nodded her head. "Sure thing, sweetie. Give me just a minute."

She stepped back inside, and even though she closed the door, Chris would hear her yelling for Eddie. It wasn't too long before Eddie poked his head out, greeting Chris with a smile.

"Hey, Chris. What're you up to?"

Chris took in a deep breath, and slowly let it out. He knew it was too late to turn back now. So, he pushed himself to revealing the rose behind his back. It felt as if it took every muscle in his arm to move.

Eddie looked at the rose, a bit surprised, but still his eyes lit up.

"Eddie, w-would you... you know... wanna go to the dance with me next Friday?" Chris asked shyly.

Eddie smiled. "Aw, Chris. That's so sweet. I'd love to go to the dance with you."

Chris' cheeks heated up. "R-really?"

Eddie chuckled, and nodded his head. He took the rose from Chris' hand, and gave it a sniff. He loved the smell of roses.

"I'm glad you asked me, but I was actually going to ask you Monday at school." Eddie said, his cheeks beaming red as well.

Chris giggled, looking down at his feet. "We'll have a great time. I-I have to get back home though. I'll see you Monday."

Eddie nodded his head. "Thanks for the rose. Do you want me to drive you home?"

Chris shook his head. "No, that's okay. It's not too far of a walk. Thanks for the offer though."

Eddie was smiling, just like he had won the lottery, and so was Chris. Both boys had a pair of blushing cheeks as they continued to say goodbye to each other.

Once Eddie had stepped back inside the house, Chris began his way back home, throwing his fist in the air, and squealing like a school girl.

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