Bad Boy- Chapter Six

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"What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?" Stone asked. Eddie bit his bottom lip.

"Dumbest thing I've done? Honestly, I don't know. I guess it would be when I got drunk and jumped off my friend's roof to Metallica." Eddie said with a chuckle.

"Did you break anything?" Kim asked with a laugh.

Eddie shook his head. "There was a big crowd of people at the bottom. It was like I was crowd surfing. I mean, they caught me but fell. It was like a big bunch of people on top each other. Bad mistake."

"Did you still drink?" Chris asked.

Eddie shook his head. "I've basically quit. I haven't drank for a long time now."

Silence fell between the boys. Chris took a glance at Eddie, wanting to talk more to him and find out more about him, but he wasn't so sure what to ask. He already knew a few things about Eddie, just from his friend's asking him questions.

Eddie could feel Chris' gaze. He turned and looked at Chris, giving him a soft smile. Chris smiled back at him and blushed.

"Aw, look, Stone. There's your soulmate." Kim teased.

Everyone turned their heads to see Mike sitting on the bleachers, his hand quickly working on a paper that sat in his lap. He tried hard to keep his paper held down as the wind stirred.

"That's Mike," Eddie stated, "He's in my gym class. He's your boyfriend?"

Stone blushed and quickly shook his head. "No, he isn't my boyfriend. Don't listen to Kim and Chris. They don't know what they're talking about."

"They're really into each other." Chris whispered to Eddie. Eddie chuckled.

"Maybe we should go keep him some company." Eddie suggested.

"Alright, lets go." Kim said, standing up from the ground. Chris and Eddie done the same, while Stone sat still.

"Ain't you coming?" Chris asked.

"He looks busy. We shouldn't bother him." Stone said.

"We'll only sit with him for a couple minutes. Come on." Eddie said, encouraging Stone to go. So Stone groaned and followed the boys to the bleachers in front of the track.

"Hey, guys." Mike said with a smile as he took a quick look at them. As soon as his eyes landed on Stone, he blushed and looked back down at his papers.

"We were just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us after school." Eddie said, already insisting everyone else would go, and no one had any declines.

"Oh, umm... well, where are you guys going?" Mike asked. Eddie was quick to think of something.

"We can go to the drive in and watch a movie."

"That sounds alright. But I... well... I was going to try out for cheerleading..." Mike trailed off with blushing cheeks. Kim held his laugh back.

"We could wait for you then. It shouldn't last but what? Like an hour?" Eddie asked. Mike nodded.

"Alright. Well, we could go see the movie at eight if that's okay. That'll give you plenty of time to get ready and we can pick you up."

Mike smiled. "Alright, sounds fun. I'll see you guys at eight then."

"Hey, Stone, you should really watch Mike try out for cheerleading. You could sit on the bleachers and cheer him on." Chris suggested. Stone and Mike both blushed, but Mike's were deeper.

"Well, I mean... I..." Stone trailed off, trying to think of an excuse not to go, but his mind was a blur. Everyone looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

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