Bad Boy- Chapter Seven

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Everyone was piled in the car. Stone, of course, was driving, while the rest of the boys threw Mike in the front seat. In the backseat, on the left side, Chris sat, with Eddie in the middle, and with Kim on the right side.

"How was cheerleading?" Eddie asked. Kim bit his bottom, trying hard not to let a laugh burst out.

"I made the team." Mike said, taking a quick look back at Eddie.

Kim couldn't hold it in any longer. He started to laugh, while everyone watched him with straight faces, and Mike blushed.

"What's so funny?" Stone asked, sort of in an angry tone, knowing he was laughing at Mike.

"Sorry. Just the thought of Mike jumping around in a skirt."

"The guys don't wear skirts." Mike informed quickly.

"Oh." Kim only said, stopping his laugh. He cleared his throat, but began to snicker again.

"Don't you guys think Kim would be an awesome cheerleader?" Stone asked. The boys began to agree and tried to talk Kim into trying out.

"Nah, not for me." Kim denied.

By now, the skies were dark, but the moon was shining brightly. Stone pulled them into the drive in, in between two cars. The movie was getting ready to begin, showing a preview before hand.

"Anyone want any snacks?" Eddie asked, "Because I think I'll get a popcorn."

"Just get two larges and we can all share."  Kim said. He reached into his pocket and threw some money on Eddie, helping to pitch in.

"What does everyone want to drink?" Eddie asked.



"Hmmm... I'll take a Coke too."

"Sprite I guess."

"Alright. Two cokes, a Pepsi, and a Sprite. Got it," Eddie said, "I'll be back in a moment."

"You want me to come and help you?" Chris asked as he let Eddie out of the car.

Eddie smiled. "Oh that's fine. I can get it. They should give me a carrier for the drinks. I'll be right back."

Eddie was quick to jog over to the food stand. There was a small line, and he awaited his turn. Only after a minute of standing there, there was a small peck on Eddie's shoulder.

"Are you stalking me?" Eddie asked with a chuckle. Jerry stood behind him with a smile.

"Nah, we just happened to be in the same place, same time. Who's with you?"

"Kim, Chris, Stone, and Mike." Eddie said, moving up closer in line.

"How come you've not asked for any rides lately?" Jerry asked.

"Oh, I've just been a little busy. Sorry."

"No need to apologize," Jerry said, "There's a party Friday night. I was wondering if you'd wanna come."

"I don't really do parties anymore." Eddie said. It was his turn in line. He made his order, and stood to the side, waiting for them to fill it.

"You don't have to get wild. Just drink a little and listen to the music. But it's your decision. I could come pick you up after I drop my friends off."

"Well, I guess that would be alright. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at nine." Jerry told him.

Eddie got his drinks and snacks. He paid the man for his stuff, and waited to receive his change back.

"Sounds good. I'll see you Friday then." Eddie said, giving Jerry a quick smile. Then man handed Eddie his cash, and he gathered his things in his hands and arms.

"You need a little help with that?" Jerry asked with a small laugh.

"Nah, I got it. C'ya!" Eddie said to Jerry as he began to walk back to Stone's car.

When he opened the door, Chris took a bag of the popcorn and moved over to the middle seat. He handed the bag over to Mike and Stone as Eddie was still standing there, reaching the drink carrier to Chris. He took it from Eddie and Eddie climbed into the backseat.

"Alright. Here's the Sprite." Eddie said, taking the carrier back from Chris, and handing the drink to Kim.

"Yours." Eddie mumbled, handing one of the Coke's to Chris, and the other to Mike. He handed the Pepsi to Stone, and stuck a straw in his own drink.

"Thanks." Chris said. Eddie smiled.

"No problem at all."

The movie began to start. Mike and Stone laid their seats back a little, just so Kim and Eddie could see the screen better. Kim reached over, digging his hand into the popcorn bag Eddie was holding. Taking his hand back, he dropped little pieces on Chris.

Chris began to wish he was alone with Eddie. It would've been so much easier to talk to him. But, Chris figured, he would wait until Friday and ask Eddie to go out with him.

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