Bad Boy- Chapter Twelve

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Somehow, someway, Chris wasn't sure, but he managed to stay home without his dad noticing. He had stayed in his closet all day, being careful not to make the slightest sound, and he knew he wouldn't be safe to step out until his dad left for work, which was hours away.

The day was, of course, boring and long. But not only for Chris, but also Eddie, who was at school, worrying over where Chris was.

He knew how Chris' father was from the events he witnessed, and couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong. All day, Eddie had searched for Chris, but finally realized he must've just not have shown up for school.

Eddie had asked around his friends; asking them if they knew where Chris was or what was wrong with him. But they were in the same boat as Eddie, not having a clue.

"He must've got sick or something. It's not like Chris to miss school." Stone said, holding his chin in his hand as he sat Indian style on the grass. He seemed a little worried himself.

Eddie wondered if Stone knew about Chris' dad, but he didn't want to say anything, because if Stone didn't know, then Eddie didn't want to invade Chris' personal life.

Eddie stayed quiet, and shrugged it off for now, but it seemed to lay on his mind heavy. He began to think maybe he should visit Chris after school, but then again, he didn't know if it was such a good idea.

The bell rang, signaling the boys off for their next class, which was a dread for Eddie since Chris wasn't there. But Chris felt in dread, too, being away from Eddie.

But Chris knew what he had to do. He didn't very much like the idea, but he knew he needed to try to forget about Eddie. He would just have to ignore him, until his feelings were gone. He would have to get over Eddie, even though Chris knew the two wouldn't be friends at the end.

He didn't want to tell Eddie this, and Chris knew it would be even harder to ignore Eddie. But eventually, Eddie would have to pick up the hint, and then begin to ignore Chris himself.

It was something Chris pondered on for a while, but he didn't want to be Eddie's second choice. Chris already had a lack of self confidence, and he knew he wasn't much compared to Jerry.

Perfect face.

The bluest eyes.

A nice smile.

And to Chris, he felt he couldn't be chosen over someone as good looking as Jerry.

Sure, Chris thought, I have blue eyes, but they don't sparkle as much as Jerry's. My smile isn't as nice as his. My looks aren't much to see.

Eddie would never want to be with me.

* * *

"It's my turn." Layne said, standing next to Jerry's motorcycle with a stern look on his face. He held a cigarette between his two fingers as he flicked some ashes on the ground.

"For what?" Jerry asked.

"For a ride. I've seen you driving Vedder around. It's my turn." Layne said. Jerry couldn't help but to chuckle at the angered face expression Layne gave off.

"Don't worry about it, Layne. He's just a friend." Jerry said as he climbed onto his motorcycle.

"Whatever you say." Layne said.

He tossed his cigarette down and hopped on the back of Jerry's motorcycle. After Jerry pulled out of the parking lot, he passed by the school doors, only to see Eddie making his exit. Jerry grinned and waved goodbye to Eddie, and Layne slapped Jerry on the back of the head.

"Did you see that?" Stone asked, referring to the incident of Jerry and Layne. But Eddie ignored the question, because he had something more important on his mind.

"Do you think I should go check on Chris?" Eddie asked.

Stone shrugged. "I'd wait. I'm sure he'll show up tomorrow. Chris never gets sick. So it couldn't be more than a little cold or something."

Eddie only nodded his head. Still unsure, he'd listen to his friend's advice for now. Eddie just only hoped Chris was safe.

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