Bad Boy- Chapter Eight

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"You're going to a party with Jerry?" Chris asked. His expression suddenly looked saddened, and Eddie noticed this.

"Yeah... is something wrong?" Eddie asked. Chris shook his head.

"No, nothing is wrong. It just... it kinda surprised me is-is all. I didn't know you talked with Jerry."

"We're friends I suppose. Do you want to come with me?"

Chris shook his head. "No, I can't. Uh, my dad would be pretty mad at me, and I have some work I need to finish."

"Chris, what's wrong? You look so sad." Eddie said.

"I'm not sad," Chris said, assuring Eddie, and faking a smile, "Eddie, just be careful, okay?"

"I will be careful." Eddie told him.

"I have to go. I'll see you Monday." Chris said. He rushed away before Eddie could say goodbye. But Eddie stood and watched as Chris left, and it left his heart feeling heavy.

* * *

"He's with Jerry." Chris sighed. Stone wrapped an arm around Chris' shoulder.

"Hey, man, don't be so down. There's plenty more guys out there. Besides, you know if he's with Jerry, it won't last long anyway."

Chris shook his head. "I don't want to be a second option though, Stone. I actually had feelings for Eddie. Feelings I can't explain. The first day, as soon as he walked in that room, I was struck. He's so damn beautiful, but not only that, he's so... he's so damn amazing caring. He's funny, and fun to be with. He gives me feelings I can't explain. How could I just forget about my feelings?"

Stone sighed. "Well, you can't. But, you've never told Eddie the way you feel, so he doesn't even know you like him."

"How do you do it?" Chris asked.

"Do what exactly?" Stone asked.

"Try to hide your feelings from Mike."

Stone's eyes widened. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about. But you need to talk to Eddie before you jump to any conclusions."

Chris sighed. "I'll try."

The two hung out in Stone's room. Chris didn't really want to go home. His feelings were already somewhat hurt and he wasn't in the mood to put up with his dad. But, away from those two, Eddie was in his own room.

He was somewhat confused on the way Chris reacted, and Eddie wondered why it even bothered him so much. Maybe because he really enjoyed being with Chris, and would do anything to see him smile.

But he had already agreed with Jerry, which he wasn't too excited about. He was done with partying, but he figured since Jerry asked him, he would go.

"Who are you going with?" Eddie's mother asked once he had stepped down the stairs. It was getting close time for Jerry to pick him up.

"I was going to go with my friend Jerry."

"What about Chris and Kim?" She asked. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.

"I asked Chris, but he said he didn't want to go." Eddie said, tying his shoe.

"I see. Such a sweet boy."

Eddie chuckled. "You've barely met him."

"But he is a sweet boy, you can feel it," She said with a small laugh, "Who's this Jerry?"

"Look outside and you'll see." Eddie said. He could hear Jerry's motorcycle roaring from the driveway.

His mother peeked out of the shade to see Jerry. He sat on his motorcycle, a cigarette hanging between his lips, along with a pair of sunglasses on and a leather jacket.

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