Bad Boy- Chapter Four

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"Hey, once again." A voice said. Eddie could feel himself being pulled to the side. He looked up to see Jerry, who he had met yesterday.

"Can I help you with something?" Eddie asked. He looked around, not seeing any of Jerry's friend's around.

"Just wanted to talk to you a little bit. Something wrong with that?"

Eddie shrugged. "Well, I guess not. As long as you're not going to insult my friend's again."

Jerry shook his head. "Nah. I respect you. You can hang with whoever you want to. Just wanted to ask you a question, Eddie."

"Okay, shoot."

"You like motorcycles?" Jerry asked, a small grin on his face.

"They're alright. I haven't really rode on one before, so I'm not really sure what it's like. They seem cool though."

"Well, how about after school, you let me take you for a ride?" Jerry asked, leaning up against the lockers.

Eddie chuckled. "I don't think your boyfriend would like that too well, would he?"

Jerry gave him a confused look. "Boyfriend?"

"What was his name, again? Layne, right? You had your arm around him."

"Oh, yeah, you're talking about Layne. Well, he isn't my boyfriend. He's just a... very close friend."

"Oh. Well, alright. Sounds like fun."

Jerry smiled. "Great. Just meet me in the parking lot after school."

"Alright. See you then!" Eddie said. He turned away, rushing down the hall to his next class, hoping to get there before the tardy bell rang.

Thankfully, he made it just in time. Taking his usual seat next to Chris, the bell rang, and class began.

The students were told to find a partner, in which of course Eddie and Chris chose each other. A paper was passed out, in which the two would have to do together.

"You know how to do this?" Eddie asked, pointing to question one. He looked up at Chris, and their eyes met.

Chris' eyes held such a beautiful color, and Eddie felt a little dumb for not noticing that before. Eddie flicked his eyes down to Chris' lips, seeing there were thick and perfectly shaped.

"I kinda get it, but I'm not very good at it." Chris said. Eddie smiled.

"I can teach you then. I remember this from my old school." Eddie said.

Chris smiled. He loved the warm, comfortable vibe Eddie was sending to him. Chris already felt so comfortable with him.

Eddie was instructing Chris on how to work out the problem. Chris would nod his head, letting Eddie know he understood, even though Chris was only half listening. He could hear Eddie's voice, but he couldn't understand what he was saying. He was too busy looking at Eddie's features.

How could someone be so beautiful? Everything about him is perfect. He has to be an angel sent from Heaven.

His lips are so full, I wonder what sort of taste they give off. His eyes are so beautiful and full of life.

"You got it?" Eddie asked, looking at Chris with a smile. Eddie tucked his hair behind his ears.

"Yeah, I got it." Chris said, smiling back at Eddie.

"You keep looking at me like you're about to eat me up." Eddie said in a teasing tone. Chris blushed.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to, uh, to look at you that way." Chris said quietly, looking down at the desk.

Eddie chuckled. "It's fine, Chris, I'm just playing around. But, hey, if you need me to tutor you or anything, I'm totally fine with that."

"You'd do that for me?" Chris asked. He could definitely use the help.

"Yeah, sure, anytime you need me. How about... Thursday? After school?"

Chris nodded. "Sounds good."

"My house or your house?" Eddie asked.

Chris thought for a second. The only problem he had with his house was his dad, but he figured his dad wouldn't say anything to Eddie, and since he was volunteering hours at work, he would be gone.

"You can come to my house, if that's okay." Chris said. Eddie smiled.

"Alright. That's fine. So Thursday after school. Your place."

* * *

"Glad you decided to come." Jerry said with a grin on his face. He was already standing by his motorcycle, holding a cigarette between his fingers. Taking another puff, he tossed it on the ground.

"Figured I might as well come check it out." Eddie said with a shrug. Jerry climbed onto his motorcycle.

"Well, hop on."

"You don't wear a helmet?" Eddie asked. Jerry chuckled.

"I don't need a helmet. Don't worry, I'll be super careful with you on here."

Eddie climbed onto the motorcycle behind Jerry. He wrapped his arms around him, giving Jerry and firm squeeze.

"Ready?" Jerry asked.

"Ready." Eddie said.

Jerry took off, taking his time out of the parking lot. He checked to make sure the road was clear before pulling out. He began to speed up, and Eddie tightened his grip.

Eddie had to admit, it was pretty fun riding on the motorcycle with Jerry. The wind blew through their hair, sending it in all different directions. Eddie looked ahead, watching as the two passed by other vehicles.

The skies were gray, but that was a usual thing for Seattle. Eddie watched as Jerry passed by a few houses, and one of those houses happened to be his.

He wondered where Jerry was taking him, and how much longer it would be. But, as of now, Eddie enjoyed his ride. He closed his eyes, and he almost felt as if he were on a rollercoaster.

Eventually, though, the ride did come to an end. Eddie seen the surroundings; an old parking lot with a small abandoned building, in which Jerry pulled behind it. Jerry stopped his motorcycle, and turned it off. Him and Eddie both stepped off it.

"Well? You like it?" Jerry asked. Eddie laughed a little.

"Yeah, that was pretty fun. We should definitely do it again sometime."

"Glad you liked it. Anytime you want to ride, just ask, I don't mind at all," Jerry said, "But... I wouldn't mind to have something in return for the ride."

"Oh, what is it?" Eddie asked. Jerry stepped closer, and smacked his lips right against Eddie's.

Eddie froze for a moment. He was a little stunned Jerry had just kissed him out of nowhere, and kind of roughly at that. Eddie gently pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Jerry asked.

There wasn't anything wrong with Jerry. In fact, he was very good looking. Almost too good looking.

"It's just... well, you know, I'm new here. I'm not really ready for a relationship yet, and I just... Well, I barely know you." Eddie explained. He was thankful Jerry looked as if he understood.

Jerry shrugged. "That's fine. I get it. You wanna take it slow, I'll take it as slow as you want, baby, but nothing wrong with a little making out, huh?"

Eddie blushed, a little lost for words, and Jerry noticed this. He laughed, patting Eddie on the back.

"Just teasing you, baby. Come on, hop back on, I'll take you home."

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