Bad Boy- Chapter Nine

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Stone was a little hesitant as he looked over the roses. It was Valentine's Day, and the school had items you could purchase. Stone actually wanted to get something for Mike, but he wasn't sure exactly what to get.

"Do you need some help, Stone?" The secretary asked. Stone bit his lip and blushed.

"W-well, I wanted to get this person I may have feelings for some roses but I... I don't know which ones he will like."

"Mix it up." She said. She picked out a red rose, a light pink rose, a lavender rose, and a white one.

"The red one means love. The lavender means love at first sight. The light pink means joy. The white one means loyalty."

Stone chuckled. "You really know you're stuff. How much?"

She shook her head, and began to wrap the flowers up in a bouquet. "Just take them, Stone, I'll cover for you."

"Are you sure?" Stone asked.

"I'm sure," She smiled. She finished wrapping them up, topping them off with a red bow around them, "Now go on before the bell rings."

Stone took the roses and smiled. As he walked down the hallway, he hoped he wouldn't run into his friends. He didn't want to be questioned and teased about it. But he wondered just where Mike would be.

"Hey, do you know where Mike is?" Stone asked, one of Mike's good friends, Jeff, who Stone had never really talked to.

"Uh... let's see. I seen him earlier. He said something about the track, maybe he's out there still." Jeff guessed.

Stone looked up at the clock on the wall. It was ten minutes before first bell rang. He really hoped he would still catch Mike out there.

"Thanks." Stone said. He began to rush down the hallway, walking as fast as his legs would let him, until he was suddenly pushed against the wall.

"What do we have here?" Sean asked. He was surrounded by Sean, Mike, Jerry, and Layne. Stone sighed.

"Move out of my way. I'm in a hurry." Stone said, trying to push past them.

"Who's those for?" Jerry asked, reaching out to grab one of the pedals off the roses, but Stone guarded those roses with his life, not wanting them to be tampered with in any way.

"None of your business." Stone snapped. He definitely wasn't in the mood for this.

"He's a feisty one." Mike said.

"I only have eight minutes now because of you. Move. Out. Of. My. Way." Stone said. He was beginning to get very annoyed with these guys. And unlike Chris, Stone would take up for himself.

"Let's just let him go." Layne said. But his friends ignored him.

Stone knew something about Layne. Deep down, Layne was as sweet as sugar, but he put on an act at times. Layne definitely didn't belong in their group, and Stone even found himself randomly wondering that at times, why Layne was with them.

"What're you guys doing?" Eddie asked. Everyone turned their attention to Eddie, who stood behind them, crossing his arms.

"What do you want?" Sean asked. Eddie ignored him, and kept his gaze on Jerry, and he was somewhat surprised Jerry was picking on one of his friend's.

"C'ya!" Stone said, rushing out of their way, and they didn't bother to catch him.

"Picking on my friends? You guys are pathetic." Eddie said.

"We were just having a little fun with him." Jerry said. Eddie laughed in disbelief.

"You really are an asshole, Jerry. Leave my friends alone."

"Or what?" Jerry asked.

"Or I'll have you kick all of your asses." Eddie said. He then walked away.

Jerry laughed as he watched Eddie walk down the hall. "What a little bitch."

As Eddie was walking down the hallway, Stone was running across the track, trying to reach up to Mike who was now at the other end of the track, walking slowly. Stone kept the roses hid behind his back, not wanting Mike to see just yet.

"What're you up to?" Stone asked, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, I was just walking around a little, getting ready for this stressful day. I have three test today, and practice after school. Wh-What about you? What're you up to?" Mike asked.

Stone blushed. "Nothing. I, uh... I wanted to give you something for uh, for Valentine's Day."

Stone finally released his surprise. He pulled out the roses behind his back. Mike's eyes brightened, and his cheeks lit up. The biggest smile crossed his face.

"St-Stone... you didn't have to. But thanks." Mike said, taking the roses and giving them a smell.

"Just figured I'd give you something before someone else did." Stone said, his cheeks almost as red as Mike's.

"No ones ever gotten me anything for Valentine's Day." Mike said shyly. He nervously picked at the bow around the roses, but gently, being careful not to bother it.

"Really?" Stone asked, sort of disbelieved. Mike nodded his head.

"Well, happy Valentine's Day." Stone said. Mike smiled. He stepped closer to Stone, and just as the bell rang, Mike placed a gentle kiss on Stone's cheek.

"Thanks, Stone. I better get to class. Thanks for the roses. I'll see you later." Mike said before he rushed off to class.

* * *

Chris sat as his desk, looking over a paper that was unfinished, when a red rose was laid over his desk. Chris looked at it for a moment before looking up to see Eddie standing with a smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Eddie said. Chris blushed.

"Oh, uh... thanks, Eddie."

Eddie sat in his desk. "I feel really bad for Friday night. I'm sorry about that. I was wondering, if... you wanted to go out with me after school sometime today."

Chris brightened right up. "Well, uh... if you want to, then sure."

Eddie smiled. "Great. I'll use my moms car to pick you up. What time?"

Chris shrugged. "Anytime is fine."

"Is six okay?"

Chris bit his bottom lip, trying to hide his smile back. "Alright. Six is fine."


The bell rang, and the two turned to silence. Chris felt like squealing, but he held it back, as he slowly awaited for six to roll around.

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