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(Adrien POV)


I open my eyes.

"Marinette" '.... She's M'Lady.' I smiled wide as this had brought a warm sense of joy to my heart.

She soon opened her eyes.
She looked frozen in shock. I was about to touch her shoulder and ask if she was okay, but...

"ADRIEN!?!?!?!? But how, you can't be Chat! But then that means...."
She stayed silent for a brief second...
I covered her mouth.
"Mari? Calm down." She wasn't listening to me and kept talking to herself.

"This is a joke right? No... Am I dreaming?..." She starts staring at me.

"What's wro..." I start, but then...

She punched me in the face.
'What did I do?'

".. But that felt real..." She then continues.

"Mari!" I get her attention; before she causes anymore pain. "Are you upset it was me?"

Her eyes open up wide, "No. That's not it. It's just..." She drifts off and her face goes bright red.

'Wait, What?'
"'It's just', what?" I ask her.

"Hah... You know.... Umm.." She starts to stammer and I take a step towards her, as she takes a step back.
" . BUSY!"

"What???? I ask her confused

" You're always busy."

HI Monsters. It's me SecretLilMonster13 here. & I'm so sorry. I thought I had already published this, so u will be blessed with two small chapters today.

This Side of Him/ MariChat FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant