Chapter 19

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3 months later


I stood downstairs in the living room. Suitcase in hand. Today me and Sofia were going to leave Charles mansion and get on a plane to Washington DC. I was wearing a short pencil skirt and a black dress shirt with knee length boots. I was wearing sunglasses. I looked down at my watch.

"Come on, Sofia! Our cab will be here any minute!" I yelled.

"Just a second!"

Sofia comes pounding down the hall and runs down the stairs. She had a book bag in her hands. Her fiery red hair was in a pony tail. She wore a floral pink dress and she was wearing sunglasses too.

"Okay I'm ready." She said.



Sofia grabbed the brown wig off my head and chucked it to the side.

"Much better." She said.

I rolled my eyes and fixed my hair. Letting my long white locks come down from being held back by pins. Sofia sighed.

"Do we have to leave? I like it here."

"To many...memories. And I think it's time that we start a new. Now that I've finally got you back, and Klaus is gone for good."

"And Erik." Sofia says looking down at the ground. I put my finger under her chin and lift up her head.

"He made his decision."

I notice a fury blue figure walking towards us.

"Hey Hank." I said.

"Hey guys. I just wanted to say goodbye." Hank said.

Sofia ran over and gave him a hug. He welcomed her with open arms.

"I'm gonna miss you, two." He said.

"We're going to miss you to, Beast." I said.

"Here. It's from Charles."

Hank handed me a white envelope. I took it and opened it up. There was money inside. A lot of money.

"And Erica, he wants to see you before you go." He added.


I leave my suitcase and give Hank a hug, then a kiss on the cheek before making my way to Charles office. I knocked on the door before going in. He was by his desk scribbling on some papers. He looked up when I closed the door.

"Good evening Erica." Charles says with a kind smile.

"Evening, Professor." I say with a smirk.

"Every time someone calls me that I believe I am getting closer to becoming bald."

I laugh and Charles grins. He put his papers aside, wheeling out from behind his desk and stopping in front of me. I looked down at him.

"Are the two of you all set? Did Hank give you the money?" He asks.

"Yes. Just waiting for our ride. Thank you Charles, but you didn't have too."

"Of course I did. I had to make sure you two would be alright. You are like family."

Charles sighs.

"Are you sure you want to leave? The school would be open in a few more months. It would be great to have some extra help."

"I would love to Charles, but the longer I stay here the more I'll think of...him."

"I understand."

Charles gives a small smile and grabs both of my hands.

"Just remember, if you need anything, anything at all I'm here."

"I know."

" will always have a home here Erica."

"I know." I said.

I bend down and give Charles a hug. When I stood up he kissed the back of my knuckles.

"Take care, Charles." I say.

He nods his head. I turn to leave.

"Maybe we'll see each other again one day, in the future." He says.


As I hear the taxi horn go off I opened the door, giving a quick wave before the door closes behind me.

Mutant Love(X-Men First Class/Erik Lensherr)Where stories live. Discover now