Chapter 13

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Something was wrong. I wasn't sure but I had this feeling.

Turns out I was right.

After I left Charles and Erik back in Russia, I made it back to CIA base in the middle of the night. Turns out Shaw came. One of the new recruits went with him, he even killed one. And the worst thing of all.

He took Sofia. Again.

Raven and the others told me that the mutant named Darwin tried to get her back along with Angel. But he ended up falling. And Shaw took her. After what I told her before I left.

I told her it was safer.

I sat outside of the destroyed front of building with everyone else. Except I was not next to them. I sat far from them with my back to them leaning against the small tree that was there. My knees were pulled up to my chest. I rested my head on top of my hands. Raven tried to make me feel better. But she couldn't. No one could at this point.

I could tell that Charles and Erik had come back by the sound of their voices behind me.

"What's wrong with Erica?" I heard that CIA woman ask.

"You didn't hear.." Raven said.

"Hear about what?" I heard Erik ask.

"Shaw took Sofia."


"Oh Erica.." Charles said.

I sighed. I looked down at the picture I had of Sofia. I felt Charles tried to push into my mind and I let him. I didn't care.

"When did she get back here?" Erik asked.

"5 minutes after Shaw left. We told her what happened. She's been like that for hours." Raven said.

"She's let me in her mind." Charles said.

"And?" Erik asked.

"She hasn't let me do that before. She usually has this wall. But now...its gone."

I heard foot steps behind. I didn't feel like turning around. I could tell it was him. Erik.

"I was to slow...I never was a fast flyer. I thought I would make it in time." I said.


"I just got her back, Erik. And she was taken from me, again. I told her she was safe...I should have never left her." I said cutting Erik off.

Erik kneeled down in front of me. He took the picture of Sofia off the floor and put it in his pocket.

"We are going to get her back. Erica I promise." Erik said.

Tears started to flood down my cheeks, only form them to start freezing and drop to the ground hard. I started to sob and Erik pulled me in for a hug. He kissed me on top of my head before pulling away.

"You have to pull your self together, no more of this."

I stopped sobbing but my tears didn't stop. Erik cupped my face and whipped the tears away.

"No more tears, my little dragon. Be strong. For Sofia."

I nod my head slowly.

I'll be strong. For her.

Mutant Love(X-Men First Class/Erik Lensherr)Where stories live. Discover now