Chapter 8

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I grabbed Shaw's file and but it in my bag before making my way out of the CIA. I didn't want to leave Erica,but Shaw must pay for what he's done. To the both of us. I walked out the door and soon was stopped by a voice.

"What I know about you, I'm surprised you managed to stay this long." Charles said.


Erik stopped walking and turned around.

"What do you know about me?" he asked.

"Everything." I said.

"Then you'll know to stay out of my head." he said and turning around again.

"I'm sorry Erik but I've seen what Shaw did to you." I said and he stopped.

"I felt your agony. I can help you." I said.

"I don't need your help." he said.

"Don't kid yourself you need my help last night. It's not just me your walking away from, its Sofia and Erica." I said. I knew I had touch an emotion in him when I said Erica.

"Here you have the chance to be apart of something more, something much bigger than yourself. I won't stop you. I could,but I won't. Shaw's got friends you can do with some." I said before turning around.


After Charles left I went back inside and headed back towards Erica's room. I opened the door and closed it quietly. Erica was sleeping on her bed. I turned on the lamp besides her and sat down on the bed. I pushed back a strand of her white hair behind her ear.


Erica opened her icy blue dragon eyes looking up at me.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep?" she asked.

"I couldn't. Erica-"

"Hold on. Erik I know you were planning on leaving. I understand why. I just wish you could stay longer." she said.

"I'm not leaving." I said.

"Your not?"

"No. I couldn't leave you and Sofia here."

"Well that's sweet of you." she said with a smile.

She moved over and I laid down next to her. She put her head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm glad you decided to stay." she said.

"Me too." I said.

Mutant Love(X-Men First Class/Erik Lensherr)Where stories live. Discover now