Chapter 18

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I wake the next morning in my bed. I must have fallen asleep outside, and Erik brought me back in my room. I sat up in my bed and stretch. There was a knock on the door, and Erik walked in. Already dressed and ready to go.

"Good morning, my little dragon."

I smiled. Erik placed a kiss on my head.

"Morning Erik."

"Are you ready to get your sister back?"

I took the covers off me and jumped out of bed.

"I'm ready."

"Maybe you should get dressed?"

I looked down at my sleep ware.


I pulled off my nightgown. I saw Erik's eyes wondering all over my body.

"Enjoying the show?" I asked. Erik smirked.

"Very much, thank you."

I put on jeans and a shirt, some black boots and a dark blue jacket. When I was ready Erik grabbed my hand and led us to Charles, Moriana (I think that's how you spell her name, if I'm wrong sorry) and the others. Everyone was together. Except for Hank.

We all went to his room together. On the big wooden doors there was a note.

Go to the airbase, bring the crate marked X.


Charles grabs the note and takes it off the doors, before pushing them open. Revealing inside the room which was completely trashed. Charles walked ahead as the rest of us shuffle in slowly.

"What the hell happened here?" Erik asked.

"It looks like a tornado went through here." I said.

At the back of the room there was the crate, the big black X on the top. Charles opened it and we all peered inside to take a look.

Blue and Yellow suits were inside. I notice that one had slits on the back, and gloves that were cut off right above the finger nails. I smiled. Thank you Hank.

"Hank has been busy." Erik says, looking a Raven with a smirk.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex asks.

"Since none of us are mutated to endure extreme G-force, or being riddled by bullets I suggest we suit up." Charles said.


When we got to the Air base we all changed into our suits. I put my hair in a bun. I put on my suit along with the gloves, and boots. They wouldn't get tarred up by the claws on my feet when I changed, at least that what Hank said in the small note he left in them.

When we were all ready we went down to the Hanger. Together we stood in a line looking up at the real life jet. It was defiantly bigger than the model back at the CIA base.

"Where's Hank?" Raven asked.

"I'm here."

We all looked ahead of us. A big fury blue figure was walking towards us. I gasped. It was Hank. Even with all that fur he still wore his glasses.

"Hank?" Charles asks.

"It didn't attack the cells, it enhanced them. It didn't work." Hank said looking at Raven.

"Yes it did, Hank. Don't you see? This, is who you were meant to be. This is you."

Raven placed a hand on Hanks shoulder, and he nods his head with a small smile.

Mutant Love(X-Men First Class/Erik Lensherr)Where stories live. Discover now