Chapter 12

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"No," Ochaco huffed. "We want answers too!" Tsuyu and Yaoyorozu nodded in agreement, Todoroki seemed indifferent, Bakugou looked irritated, Deku still looked dazed, and Kaminari just seemed confused. Pink Sheep and the rest of the group were still in shock from the mouse using his quirk.

"Fine," ExplodingTNT sighed. "Strap's a long story." Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Just give us the short version," he snapped. TNT narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me, Katsuki, but I don't recall asking for your opinion," he hissed. Then he turned back to the group. "But I guess I can sum it up just as well with a sentence or two. Basically, I have two quirks, and I used to go to UA." Liz folded her arms. "We could tell that much," she huffed. "Tell us other stuff. Like, why did you leave UA in the first place?"

TNT looked nervous at her words. It was obvious he was uncomfortable with the topic. "A few reasons," he answered. "One of them being that Bakugou was just annoying. The other one was because I wanted to live a normal life." Bakugou had obviously heard ExplodingTNT's first reason, but kept quiet(only because he, too, was confused).

"Before I left UA, I went by a fake name," TNT continued. "Bakuhatsu Mausu. Basically means 'explosion mouse.'" He grinned and swished his tail. "I bet you can guess why." Then TNT sighed. "I just go by ExplodingTNT now," he went on. "But you already knew that." He glanced at the others. "When I saw Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari...I was afraid they'd recognize me. That's why I didn't want to wear the uniform."

Pink Sheep rolled his eyes. "Even if it was dangerous...all that information would've been helpful if you'd told us earlier," he groaned. ExplodingTNT sighed. "I know," he agreed quietly. "I'm sorry. Can we go home now?"

My TNT-Town Academia: A Pink Sheep/MHA CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now