Chapter 4

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"What the heck was that?!" Liz gasped. Kaminari looked confused. "It's his...quirk...?" he said. His tone made it seem like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "What exactly is a quirk?" Crystal Sheep asked. Kaminari and Bakugou looked surprised(though Todoroki still seemed calm).

"You don't even know what a quirk is?" Kaminari asked incredulously. Everyone shook their heads except ExplodingTNT. He had stood in the back of the group, looking horrified, since the boys had arrived. He seemed the most afraid of Bakugou. But that was understandable.

"A quirk is basically a power," Kaminari explained. He shot a bolt of lightning from his hand. "Mine's electrification." Liz glanced at Bakugou. "So is it just bad luck that the guy who's always angry has a really destructive quirk?" she asked. She looked at Todoroki. "And what's his quirk?"

Todoroki sighed. "Ice and fire," he replied in a monotone. He didn't seem too keen about talking about quirks. He nodded politely at ExplodingTNT. "Apologies. I didn't mean to freeze your house." TNT gulped and nodded. 

"So will ya help us?" Kaminari asked. Pink Sheep sighed. "Listen, Sparky," he began. "We'd like to help you...but since you seem to have uniforms and we don't own any, I think we'd look a bit out of place with you guys." Kaminari grinned. "I think we can help with that," he said, pulling out his phone.

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