Chapter 11

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"Wh...what?!" Failboat spluttered. "TNT, what the heck did you do?!" ExplodingTNT lowered his hands. "It's one of my quirks," he admitted. "I have two: Explosions and Mouse." He turned to Bakugou, who still hadn't moved. "Guess I forgot my strength," he sighed. He picked Bakugou up, using his tail like an extra arm. "Katsuki, are you okay?" TNT asked, setting him on his feet. Bakugou opened his eyes.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT, YOU NERD?!" he yelled, shoving ExplodingTNT away. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" TNT smiled. Not really unkindly, but not exactly in a nice way either. "Look me in the eye, Katsuki," he said. "Look closely. Having a flashback?"

There was a moment of silence where nobody really said anything. Even Pink Sheep was at a loss for words. Bakugou just looked confused, like he was trying to work out where he had seen ExplodingTNT before.

Then Deku spoke up.

"Mausu?!" he gasped. ExplodingTNT nodded slowly. "It's been a while," he said quietly. "When I saw Kaminari, Todoroki, and Bakugou...I was afraid they'd recognize me." There was more silence. Then Pink Sheep decided to ask his main question. "Why on Earth didn't you tell us?!" he exclaimed. "Because I didn't want any of you to get hurt!" TNT replied. Tears had formed in his eyes. "I don't like to use the Explosion quirk...the Mouse quirk is one I can control more easily without hurting people." He gestured towards his mouse ears and tail.

"Look," TNT sighed. "Let's get home first...then I'll explain everything to you guys."

My TNT-Town Academia: A Pink Sheep/MHA CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now