Chapter 6

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It was a long walk to the academy, and by the time the group got there Kaminari had returned to normal. "Heh...I overused my quirk again, didn't I?" he said sheepishly. ExplodingTNT nodded, though he still looked nervous. Liz, noticing this, doubled back to talk to him.

"Hey TNT, are you okay?" she asked. "You haven't said a word the entire way." TNT nodded and smiled weakly. "I'm fine," he said quietly. Then he sighed. "There's something I should tell you--" He was interrupted when another student came up to them. However, the girl didn't walk; she hopped on all fours. "Ribbit; who are you?" she said, straightening up. She had a mass of dark green hair that reached her waist and was tied into a bow at the ends. There were also two shoulder-length sections framing her face. The girl herself was very short, and her appearance was quite strange; she resembled a frog.

"They're here to help us look for Midoriya," Kaminari replied. The girl trained her rather large eyes on the group. Then she held out a hand. "Tsuyu Asui," she said. "But me Tsu." Everyone shook her hand.

"Do they have quirks?" Tsuyu asked. Everyone but ExplodingTNT shook their heads. TNT kind of just shrugged. This seemed to make Bakugou angry for some reason. "HOW ARE YOU SHRUGGING?!" he snarled. "YOU CAN'T NOT KNOW! DO YOU HAVE A QUIRK OR NOT, YOU LOSER?!" The mouse narrowed his eyes. "You'll have your answer sometime," he hissed.

Todoroki cleared his throat. "Are you two done?" he asked. It was odd: Even when asking a question, Todoroki spoke in a complete monotone; no intonation whatsoever. "We'll have to ask around," he continued. "I'm certain at least one person here has some idea of what happened."

Pink Sheep gestured towards a girl who was leaning against a wall a few yards away. She looked upset. "Maybe her?" he suggested. Everyone looked where he was gesturing. "Oh that's Ochaco Uraraka," Tsuyu said. "Everyone knows she likes Midoriya...she's been really upset since he went missing." Crystal Sheep drew in a breath. "Poor thing," she said quietly. "We should go cheer her up before we ask her anything."

They headed over to Ochaco. She seemed to be the only student present whose hair was of both a normal colour and style(it was auburn and cut in a bob). Her eyes were the same shade of brown as her hair. There was a slight blush to her cheeks.

"H-hi," she sniffled. Liz put a hand on her shoulder. "We heard about what happened," she said. "Don't worry...we're going to help find him." Ochaco smiled shakily. "Thanks," she began. "Um...what's your name and quirk?" Liz smiled and introduced herself and everyone else. "None of us have quirks," she explained. Bakugou cast a contemptuous look at ExplodingTNT. "He might," he growled. "Seems like he's just above telling us."

Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Geez, Bakugou, get a grip," he sighed. "The dude probably just doesn't wanna talk about quirks." TNT nodded, but didn't say a word. "Ribbit; we should probably keep looking for Deku," Tsuyu piped up.

Then another student ran up to them.

My TNT-Town Academia: A Pink Sheep/MHA CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now