Chapter 7

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"Hi guys!" the student exclaimed. He was a young man of a short height, with wide, round eyes. His hair was dark green and slightly spiky. There was a spray of freckles on each cheek, and his childlike face was completed with a friendly smile.

"Deku!" Ochaco squealed happily, hugging him. "What happened? Where did you go?" Midoriya(or Deku) smiled. "You don't need to worry about it," he assured her. He noticed the others. "Who are they?" Deku asked. Pink Sheep shook his hand. "We're just a bunch of people who were about to start helping to look for you when you showed up," he explained. "And before you ask: No, we don't have quirks." ExplodingTNT shrugged again. However, it wasn't the sort of awkward shrug he had been doing before. He looked nervous when he did it.

TNT was scared of something.

"Deku, a quick question--" he began. Deku interrupted him. "I don't have time for questions," he gulped. "I need to do stuff..." He started to walk away. Then ExplodingTNT grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "What kind of 'stuff?'" he growled. "Are you lying?! You hiding something?!" Pink Sheep pulled him away. "Geez mouse...calm yourself," he said. "I don't think Midoriya's hiding anything."

Todoroki and Kaminari nodded in agreement. Bakugou rolled his eyes and grudgingly shrugged a bit(which was almost praise coming from him). Deku sighed in relief. "Thank you, Kacchan," he breathed. Bakugou snorted. "Just get away from me, you loser," he snarled. Deku gulped and swiftly walked away.

"What were you doing, dude?" Failboat asked ExplodingTNT once he had left. "It's not like you to just lash out at people like that." TNT scowled. "Well obviously you don't know me very well," he said quietly. Then he drew in a breath and started speaking again:

"Look, I haven't been completely honest with all of you. I'll explain everything later. But that wasn't Midoriya. I know exactly who we're dealing with, and I have an idea of where the real Midoriya is."

My TNT-Town Academia: A Pink Sheep/MHA CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now