"I'm fine. Just do what you can to keep the rest at bay!" I called back, she really needed to help the others "Trust me there are tonnes of other people you should be worried about! Now leave Eren to me and go do what you do best"

Watching her disappear over the rooftops, I turned my attention back to Eren and got as close to the ear as I possibly could.

"Eren can you hear me?" I called to him but there was no movement, "You've got to pull yourself together! If you stay like this, we are all going to die".

Ego, try and taunt his ego.

"Whatever this body is doing to you fight it! Your Eren Yaeger god damn it! What's this steaming lump of flesh have on you, huh?" I taunted and again, there was no movement.

"Come on!" I snarled as I slammed my fist repeatedly into his flesh "Dammit! Wake up! Get out of there. We need you! EREN!"

He either couldn't hear me or he wasn't listening, what could I say that would reach him?

His mother.

"Remember what they did to your mother? Remember what the Titans did to her? You were hell-bent on avenging her death! You swore to massacre the titans!" I provoked and once nothing happened, my panic rising as it looked more and more likely this was it.

"Eren! Please! You have to push through it! I know you're in there! Listen to me!" I cried in desperation as I could hear the cries of dying soldiers getting closer and closer "If you don't get a move on the titans are going to kill us! It will all end right here!".

Family. He cares about our family.

"Please, Eren! Mikasa needs you! Aurora and Rian need you! Eren, please... for me, wake up" I begged but again there was no movement, no sound, nothing. His wounds weren't healing, but steam wasn't leaving his body either, so at least his form wasn't weakening. I had one last idea to try, and if this didn't work, then I don't know what comes after this.

"Remember when we were kids? All we talked about was the world outside. You know, beyond the walls. Frozen tundra that stretches to the skies. Sand dunes. Oceans. Forests. The world my parents wanted to see. I'd always thought you'd all outgrown that dream. I was kind of sad it didn't come up anymore. But then I realized you all let it go because you didn't want me to join the scouts. Rian's idea no doubt, he always did think he knew what was best for me-" I broke off as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Eren ... please" I sobbed because I didn't know what to say anymore. I had tried everything I could think of but he couldn't hear me. The setting sun broke through the cloud bank and shone down upon us as another late autumn's day came to an end.


The sun was gently lighting the Yaeger patio roof as another autumn's day was beginning to come to an end, closing my book for the evening I looked around to see what the others were up to.

Mikasa was trying to teach Rian Beigoma, a game that her mother had taught her, while Aurora sat in the rocking chair with her long hair unbound, humming as she knitted with Eren at her feet as was his usual spot, unwinding the wool ready for her to knit with a faraway look in his eyes, no doubt dreaming of a future beyond the walls. I loved days like this, it was all so peaceful.

"I think I want to join the scouts" Eren suddenly said, interrupting the peace and Aurora startled before she stared down into the back of his head with wide eyes as she put her needles down and reached out to rest her hand on Eren's head.

"I don't think you understand what you're saying Eren. I know we used to dream of adventures beyond the walls, but that was when you were little and didn't know any better. To go outside the wall is dangerous, almost all the Scouts who go there die. Why would you throw caution to the wind and venture outside?" Aurora asked as she leaned forward to stroke Eren's hair and though her voice was gentle her eyes were deadly serious.

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