"You didn't realise it at the time, we can talk about it later" Mikasa promised as patted Armin's arm before turning to join us heading for the stairs and we all descended in silence, which was short-lived as Connie pipped up to break the nervous atmosphere.

"Okay I'm gonna ask the obvious can we do this without ODM gear?" Connie asked which was a reasonable question, I suppose.

"No problem. These guys are only four metres tall" I said and tried to give my voice some level of confidence "Their week spots aren't too far above eye level."

"He's right, size won't be an issue" Reiner reassured Connie "The spots still only one meter high and ten centimetres across."

"Back of the head to the nape of the neck" Sasha confirmed with a head jerk, however, the tension was still there, and it was close to crackling over.

"Worst comes to worst you can always just shove one of these up their ass. That's the other weak spot" Reiner snarked as he lifted his blade upwards in a thrusting motion and I couldn't contain my scoff, trust him to make light of our imminent death.

"Are you serious? That's news to me" Connie asked unsurely and again I could stop the half-strangled noise that left my lips.

Not the sharpest tool in the box eh Connie?

"Did I miss a day of training or something?" Sasha puzzled. Could they really be that dense?

"Come on, knock it off Reiner" I scolded, as amusing as this was, we needed to focus "You want your final words to be an ass joke?" 


"Good were still at seven" I whispered, though why I did not know, the Titans knew we were here.

"Okay now nice and easy" Marco reassured the nervous cadets surrounding us with their loaded rifles "Don't lose your cool! Only fire when they are all within range".

We had been lowered down on the lift as I had suggested and were luring the Titan's towards us. I had thought this was a good plan until their hungry eyes had locked on to us and the slither of fear worked its way down my spine. as slowly but surely, we were being surrounded.

"Steady" Marco cautioned as a nervous cadet began to put his finger on his trigger "Steady".

Not yet.

"Almost" Marco whispered as he raised his rifle and took up his scope. The Titans' eyes were nearly on a level with our barrels, just a few more seconds.


"FIRE!" Marco yelled, and the room was filled with the sound of repeating gunshots and the wailing of Titans. Flashes of silver dropped from the ceiling, and the two Titans ahead fell to the ground just as Reiner and Bertholt landed behind them.

They've done it!

"Got it! How are you guys?" Jean called out from the other side of the room and I spun around to congratulated him when I saw two Titans still standing, bearing down on a whimpering Sasha and Connie. 

God no...

"I...uh....I'm sorry. I didn't" Sasha stammered as she backed away in wide-eyed fear "I didn't mean to sneak up on you."

"Sasha and Connie missed!" Bertholt yelled, and I felt my stomach drop, knowing this was it. I couldn't watch another one of my friends be eaten, I didn't have the strength to survive it.

"Lead em the hell back!" Jean commanded as he began to race towards them but he wouldn't make it in time. I looked around desperately for anything that could help, but guns couldn't bring a titan down, only blades could save them, and we had none.

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