We Fight Or We Die

Start from the beginning

"Move it" Jean snarled as he shoved me backwards and I planted my feet to stop me from falling.

"What the hell, man?! What's wrong with you?" I challenged as I squared up to him. Mikasa appeared behind him out of thin air as she always does whenever I was fighting with him and being distracted by her sudden appearance, I was too busy looking at her that I didn't see Jean's rage explode from him. Jumping forward, he grabbed my shirt and dragged me forward bringing our faces inches from each other. 

He's pissed!

"What's kind of question is that? Were all about to be Titan Chow! You want me to sing you a happy little song?" Jean raged, "You're loving this, aren't you, you little psycho, course you are! Your whole life's aspiration is to be eaten! I was one day shy from shipping off to the MPs."

"Jean get a hold of-"

"NO! Not all of us are suicidal!" he cut me off, shouting as his fury took over, but I could see the fear that dominated his eyes, suddenly it all made sense.

He was afraid.

"Dammit! Shut up for a second!" I growled as I shoved his hand off me and grabbed his shirt, bringing his eyes level to mine. He was going to hear what I had to say because right now we needed him to get his head in the game and if it worked for Armin maybe it would work for him too.

"We trained for this! What do you think the last three years were about? We survived. We stared death in the face, and we lived. Not everyone can say that, can they? Some people couldn't take it and either ran or were thrown out. Hell! Some people actually died, but not us! Am I Right?!" I coaxed as I searched his eyes for any sign that he was with me, "We powered through for three years! What's one more day? And as for suicidal, my family are out there right now fighting for our future, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna cower and hide while they put their lives on the line for us!"

"You can do this, Jean. All right? The MPs will still be waiting for you tomorrow" I sighed as I released his shirt and took a step back. I gave him a stern look while I let what I said sink in, I could see the internal conflict he was struggling with, but I knew reason would win out. Jean may be an ass but a coward he was not.

"Shit" Jean sighed before turning on his heel and stalking away towards a whimpering soldier, "On your feet Daz! Stop bawling!" 

"Ooo...kaaayy" Daz spluttered pathetically though he did get to his feet. I shook my head at the ridiculousness of it all when Mikasa suddenly filled my vision, grabbing onto my shoulders she meet my eyes with a desperate look.

Why was everyone touching me?

"Eren. If things take a turn for the worst, I want you to come and find me alright?" Mikasa stressed as panic laced her tone. She knew we weren't in the same squads, right?

"What? Were in completely different squads" I said confused. I hope she wasn't getting at what I think she was because there is no way in hell that I'm abandoning my post.

"Look this is going to get ugly, and when it does, the plan goes out the window. Come and find me so I can protect you" she asserted and I fought the urge to smack her. Was she serious, not only is desertion punishable by death but who with a grain of honour would actually abandon their comrades on the battlefield? 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I demanded as my blood seethed. It was up to us to clear the way; it was up to us to hold back the Titans, Aurora and Rian were counting on us, on her! She was top of the damn class who else can pull this off if not for her?

"Ackermann. You're with me" Team leader Ian Dietrich called over from the square, startling Mikasa. "You've been assigned to the rear guard on special orders. Let's get moving". 

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