Tempered Steel

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"I couldn't deny her anything, besides how her mind works is amazing, a bit like Armin's" she had smiled fondly. Speaking of Armin, he, Eren and Mikasa were on the cusp of their own graduations with Mikasa likely being placed in the top ten, she had become a fierce and capable soldier, and I was damn proud of her.

All three had grown into fine young adults and would no doubt be joining us soon as Scouts in their own right. Aurora and I had visited them on a handful of occasions when Miche had been able to grant us sufficient leave to do so. The time had been fleeting and had broken Aurora's heart each time to leave them as surely as it did my own. It had been especially difficult after how understanding all three of them had been when we had explained our unique abilities and our Grandfather's secrets.

"We will learn the truth together!" Eren had declared and Aurora had placed her hand on his face, tears in her eyes, before kissing his forehead. Not once had they recoiled in horror or judge us to be freaks. Yes, they had grown into fine young adults, I knew their parents would have been proud and I was sad that Aurora and I would be unable to attend their graduation ceremony on behalf of them.

Another expedition was planned to depart the day after the 104th graduation ceremony in a weeks' time, preventing us from attending the long-awaited event. Miche had asked me to take stock of blades and gas for our entire unit in preparation for the trip, so that's how I had found myself on this fine afternoon, in the supply room counting blades and canisters with a very irritated old quartermaster and the one and only Captain Levi, who had taken it upon himself to challenge said quartermaster about the dullness of his blades. Lucky me.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" Captain Levi drawled in his usual colourless manner while inspecting the silver blades with a deep scowl.

"You're a smart boy Captain, I'm sure I don't need to explain what to do with a sword" the aged quartermaster quipped making me snort in amusement.

"Something funny Sparhawke?" I turned to see the famous death stare directed right at me. Fighting back my humour at his expense, I saluted the Captain, hoping it would appease the angry midget.

"No, sir"

The Captain looked as if he was about to say something more when the double doors burst open to reveal a very animated Oluo and Eld who was clutching his bleeding nose. Two beautiful black eyes were forming under his eyes, giving him the appearance of a very disgruntled raccoon.

This I had to hear.

"I'm telling you" Eld began his voice muffled by his bloody hand. "There was chemistry there!".

"Yeeeaaaaahhhhh that's why she broke your nose, I mean really broke your nose! Look at it!" Oluo spluttered as he tried to contain his laughter unsuccessfully, he burst out cackling like an old witch pointing at Eld's face.

"I just spooked her is all, it was her reflexes taking over" Eld groaned as his fingers tenderly touched his nose.

"I was there my delusional friend; she did not look pleased with your romantic efforts in the slightest" Oluo continued to snicker at his friend who had a forlorn look on his battered face, the suspense was killing me.

"Who broke Eld's nose?" I asked, unable to fight the curiosity any longer. Oluo's head spun around and eyeballed me before breaking out into even more hysterical laughter as Eld stared in wide-eyed fear before backing up a step.

Eld, you didn't.

"Ooooh, you're in for it now! Can I tell him, pleeeaaassee let me tell him, oh this is just too good!" Oluo panted in-between fits of laughing, his arms crossed around his stomach as he gasped for breath. I had a gnawing suspicion who they were talking about, and I could feel my temper flaring as I glared daggers at Eld who lifted his hands in surrender.

"Tell him what?" Captain Levi drawled. 

 All laughter died in the room after Captain Levi spoke, and the two men had jumped in fright, not realising that their superior officer was in the room. Eld's eyes sent panicked glances between myself and the Captain not sure which one to be more afraid of.

Me, Eld, definitely me.

"Err... it's nothing sir... an accident is all" Oluo stuttered nervously, all the humour from earlier gone now.

"I believe I asked you a question soldier" Levi's cold eyes glared at his two subordinates waiting for an answer.

"I kissed Sparhawke sir... I mean, Scout Sparhawke... Aurora sir! I kissed Aurora, and she punched me in the nose, sir!" Eld stammered.

You fucking idiot.

I was going to kick Eld's ass and judging by the look he just threw at me he knew it too. Being too preoccupied with the burning fury I was directing at Eld's head, I almost missed the dark look that crossed Captain Levi's features. Almost.

Watching him now I could see his stance had stiffened and his fists clenched ever so slightly at his sides before his perfect composure returned in place. That old familiar feeling of antagonism I had previously associated with Captain was rising to the surface. I hadn't felt it for so long as Aurora's fascination with him appeared to have worn off.

Coming to think of it, she rarely acknowledged the Captain's presence these days unless she had to in a way an underling acknowledges a superior. Aurora had even put an end to all the weird staring at least from her part. Now that I thought hard about it, she was never where the Captain was. Aurora chose to have her meals with Miche or Hange these days and was never in the mess hall, she trained in the gym on an evening when the superior officers were in meetings and had even swapped training schedules with Gelgar when she had been rostered on the Levi squads training programme.

The more I assessed her behaviour, the more I was sure she was avoiding the Captain as if he had the plague and knowing Aurora, this had me worried, she was never one to back down from any form of confrontation. It all made a twisted kind of sense, the change in Aurora coincided with this newly discovered mission of hers to avoid Levi at all cost which left me with one question burning in my mind.

What the fuck did you do to my sister?

"I see. Have you learned your lesson?" Levi said as he took a menacing step toward Eld, his body giving off 'a don't fuck with me' vibe. Backing up another step, Eld began nodding his head vigorously, unable to find his voice.

"Good. Now keep your hands off her. Am I making myself clear Jinn?" Levi gave Eld a very pointed look making him swallow loudly. I don't know what I was hating about this situation more, the fact that Eld had kissed my sister or the fact I was watching Captain Levi's dominance display over her. 

Both. It is definitely both.

"Ye..yes sir" Eld yammered out, sweat rolling down the side of his temples. Captain Levi continued to glare icy daggers at Eld making sure he got the picture before taking his leave, sending me a parting look of utter disdain as he went. My eyes followed him out the room, a sudden vision of kicking the Captain in the head popped into my mind and a small smile pulled at my lips at the pleasant imagery. A groaning sound snapped me from my happy place, and I turned to Eld clutching his nose again as a fresh trickle of blood left his nostrils, I had to ask.

"Did she really break your nose?" I queried not feeling sorry for him in the slightest, Aurora must have been livid.

"Like you wouldn't believe!"

The Birth of FreedomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora